Reminder: "Anyone who can't see the value in these items as highly collectible is blinded by their emotions"

88  2019-03-01 by crookedmile


Ant will be kicking in his door to sell those for dark net xanax by the end of the year

The neighbourhood kids will have used them for burning him in effigy.

the Silk Road was the shit when it was around

God Speed Dread Pirate Roberts

there are pretty decent ones still up and running. basically same exact shit as silk road.

Yeah I was on 2.0 for a while and a couple other ones, the constant fear of being ripped off was always there though, the OG Silkroad was truly genius

I missed out just based on fear of being ripped off and not knowing how the shipping would be handled. I still sometimes consider things but just not in the loop or in the know

its pretty common on the DNM to buy using an escrow meaning you dont release the payment until you receive the product. i do that for all new vendors and not until I have an established buying history do I finalize the payment early (FE) before receiving the product because sometimes the vendor will put in extra for FE.

Nigga fell asleep in the getaway car- left his laptop open and he was using a fucking .edu email with his real fucking name. Dude should try using that white privilege we hear so much about and try to get the fuck out the federal penitentiary. Their were two dirty FBI agents who siphoned off a few 100k of bitcoins- they got caught and were basically given a slap on the wrist.

Hey Larry, a few corrections.

His laptop was open

He was at a public library when a man slapped a woman which caused a distraction. Turns out they were both FBI agents.

It was a DEA and Secret Service agent who stole money independently of each other.

How great must it have been to be an FBI Agent who gets to slap around your stupid dyke-haircut coworker "for a distraction"

Yeah the story is crazy as fuck, I can’t believe he got caught like that, it’s understandable though he created a monster and had to expect some FBI fuckery

I know- I said his laptop was open and they caught him flatfooted. I'm an idiot- didn't mean to besmirch FBI agents. I should have known it was 2 DEA agents. Luckily, they were greedy and stupid. Thanks for the corrections- Now I need to catchup on this story since it's been a few years since Ross got fucked.

You have the reading comprehension of Joe Cumia.

Imagine some new Bono being interviewed: "So uh, do I really have to call you Edge?" <tchtssssssss> "Nice cigar, boss."


Yeah, your made in china trash will be the belle of the 2037 long island antiques roadshow you tub of shit.

Youre blinded by your emotions


It's all profit when you aren't the one buying them.

Sound investments of a financial guru 1/1,000

2/1000 is buying a gucci branded faggot car when your entire image is based off of being a """tough""" biker guy

It could be worse. He could be buying Royal Wedding commemorative plates.

Carol’s all over those. Her retirement fund is three bins of Princess Di merch and a like-new wedding dress.

No no. I'm not a wedding dress

Somewhere Joe has 10 state quarter books stashed away to retire on.

They’re under the Elvis commemorative plates the family used to cut up blow on and think was funny.

Right beside the tattered vinyl copy of Thriller he got at a flea market that he thinks he’s going to sell for 20 grand.

This is so incredibly embarrassing. He really might be legitimately retarded. I mean of all the stupid things he’s said and done..

It’s been said many times but it’s the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Don't laugh , he has a beanie baby collection worth 35 million.

in neopets points maybe

In Schrute Bucks.

He stole some holographic Pokémon cards from kids at the playground last week so he’s got that going for him.

Along with a mouthful of spit from the same kids. Hes a real monster.

This guy is a boomers wet dream.

If only he had been a greatest generationer’s wet dream.

Did he buy the commemorative plates and the 24k gold plated coin for the Franklin Mint?

99.99% gold foil on those bad boys

He is the gift that keeps on giving

What a great investor.... Now just hold onto it for like 200 years and you might get back the same value after you factor in inflation. Does Joe really think these are going to become antiques in the rest of his lifetime? He has maybe 20 years left? There's no way he bought them thinking his daughter would cash them in.

Just like my grandma who thought cabbage patch dolls would be like gold.


If she kept them boxed, definitely worth more than trump flea market merch

I have them in boxes, they are worth something?

Original retail packaging is what in boxes would mean in this case, and if so then yes I'd bet they are. Probably not as much as the original female nurse GI Joe or the incredible hulk stretch Armstrong or even as much as original barbies, but still worth way more than the Kids Anth kept in boxes.

Joe probably has a Hefty bag full of Beanie Babies in his garage too.

Those coins are going to be about as valuable as Beanie Babies are after 20 years passed

What a dumb jackoff.

Hey buddy, easy on the language eh?



Convince retards that shit with your face on it will be worth something when you go down in history for pwning libtards, art of the deal baby.

Nice 401k, stupid

This idiot probably bought a shit ton of beanie babies in the 90s

lol @ Joe having this gaudy horseshit on the wall of his dining room. How many easy payments was this? He's worse than any Mexican.

I bet joe has purchased collectible coins from an infomercial before.


What are bugs? Like insects?

We now see what he’s spending his allowance on, he’s a financial genius!

Nite only does he have cow eyes he also has a cow brain

Dude is almost 60 years old and he's collecting bobble heads and Uppder Deck cards. Fucking asshole. Get a real job you fat sack of shit.

How much of Anth’s money has Joe spent on Iraqi Dinar?

Im sure your chinese deck of cards will be worth sooo much.

Nice inflation, stupid.

Ummm you seem to have missed the fact that these feature the healthiest strongest and smartest man to ever live and are SOLID GOLD foil.

The ones you posted are just cards

Go to any flea market and there is always some old guy there selling JFK buttons or Reagan bumper stickers. Nobody buys it. Joe is a boob.

Trying to turn junk into marginally more valuable junk is a hallmark trait of simpletons.

Just check out any flea market. Why would someone think you can trick me into giving you money for something you don't even want yourself? No one is dumber than you are if you try this. Gamble, buy stocks, cut wood, dig ditches, bake-- literally any activity will yield more profit than trying to do this.

when Joe’s dead, his black son-in-law will be scooping that right into the trash bag.

Imagine being that cashier when this dude walks up, slaps three of the same card decks on the counter and then stares off into space slack-jawed with a bovine stare.

Nah hes very alert trying to find the most liberal looking cashier in the hopes of entering into a mental joust

It's nice to see that he's preparing a nest egg for Layla to inherit when he dies of GRIDS. Fathers should invest with their children's futures in mind.

Holy shit! This has got to be a trolling attempt right? He's been alive WAY too long to fall for this shit! Name a presidential collectable that was as seen on TV or available in stores and actually worth anything! Maybe if you have something from over a century ago but Joe's kids wouldn't even be alive long enough for this to even be worth its original retail cost.

If they aren’t signed with a generic message their not worth much. These things become over saturated now with mass production and even stuff like this from the 80s isn’t worth that much on places like eBay. You need to get something really rare or obscure to make people pay for it. He’s also going to be competing online with literally hundreds of guys who know how to sell this shit better because they’ve been doing it for years.

The neighbourhood kids will have used them for burning him in effigy.

the Silk Road was the shit when it was around

God Speed Dread Pirate Roberts

Imagine some new Bono being interviewed: "So uh, do I really have to call you Edge?" <tchtssssssss> "Nice cigar, boss."