I hate the internet.

23  2019-02-28 by RBuddCumia


Steve Irwin was the shit.

There's a clip where he's swinging around one of the most venomous snakes on the planet and going off about how he's channeling his dead father and how he can only not get bit because it was infused through him through genetics and in early childhood. If his kid doesn't step up his game, he's a failure to a legendary bloodline.

That koala having a field day with Bindi Sue's beefers

Bindi is smokin'

I’d cum all over her tits.

They are pretty nice. Saggy but nice.

Saggy tits are the best ya fag

I and most others think that firm, busty tits are the best

Precisely why i made the comment you dunce.

The but is a qualifier ya nerd

I dont no know grammar fuckin nerd..

Feed is a verb nana is a noun. All the learning you need.



Remember when he almost dropped her into a crocodile’s mouth?



I had to check her age before I upvoted.

I'd take her on a nice, but not too expensive, dinner. Maybe go to a place that has skate wing, so I can point to it and go, "Huh? Huh?"

Their dad was dumb hope his kids can stay away from sting rays or whatever killed him

Why did he name his kid after that zit on a street shitter's forehead?

They're also prickly little fuckers that stick you in the foot if you wear your thongs as you walk to the beach here. Weird choice.

Do they have the goofy accents too?

get fucked seppo

When I first saw this I was confused thinking "what does a lesbian couple have to do with that drawing?"

Saccharine garbage. Wow they hold animals. Fucking heroes.

I feel like I was one of the few people who just said "Yep, sounds about right" when Irwin died. He literally went around poking and grabbing dangerous animals for a career, it was only a matter of time.

Manny Puig still loves somehow

I don't get it. It's Australians being Australian, for a children's TV show. I imagine Steve Irwin would be harassing animals if it wasn't his job.

It's probably the same people who think Neil DeGrasse Tyson is awesome.

He wasn't even that popular in Australia. It's kind of like Crocodile Dundee. It was a kind of kitschy caricature of Australians -- however accurate -- that mainly Americans enjoyed.

It's a kid's show and nostalgia is powerful.

"Crikey dad, that's a big cock"

I would stick my cock dry in lil Bindis stinkhole, maybe even kiss her.

Is he walking in to water in that drawing to go get stabbed by a sting ray

Is it sad none of us will ever be known enough to have our deaths humorously mocked

Never ever, say never ever.

you give me hope, when I die, I will place you in my will..... mock me online frequently

I'm literally shaking right now

Wait, wrong context.

that cartoons from a newspaper though

That bear is so gonna eat Bindi's asshole

I don't see anything wrong with this.

That drawing looks like an alcoholic father dropping off some old boots on Christmas day and stumbling back to his car. If there was hiccup bubbles and a wife yelling about child support it would be great.

I'd like to use her holes as ejaculation friction.

aye nye

were they roiped?

Thank god the artist wrote the names on the back of those shirts.. otherwise i would have had no idea those were his kids!