73  2019-02-28 by unclepaul84


The please have sex with my wife starter kit

The Al Sharpton look

Check out the AIDS mahhhn!


Empty skin flaps

Nobody's got AIDS.

And I don't wanna hear that word in here again!


Fatman...Get it?

Wait a minute..... hahahaaha das fawkin good

Laugh and grow fat?

Nice of him to mark his fisting arms, so they don't get confused in the heat of the moment

I'd stick his offspring. Pretty much only right at this moment, I don't imagine the passage of time is going to be forgiving to that one.

She's a vegan Hollywood flake. She needs south Chicago black snake.

Same with Apatow's daughter.

Unfortunately for him, heads don't shrink. He needs to start lifting and stop with the baggy shit.

Artie if Artie were more pathetic.

Or maybe equally pathetic in a different way

let's agree on more pathetic

In the picture on the right he looks like the grandson of Mike from Breaking Bad, if he were a gigantic faux nerd faggot.

He lost a ton of weight. Good for him

are you lost, mam?

I don't think so. Sorry if I think this guy is hilarious and makes sweet movies, I guess that's not "cool" of me

His first four films were good, Red State was best film because it didn’t look or sound like a “Kevin Smith flick”.

Nice skinnyfat body, stupid

Pizzagate motherfucker.

Let’s see you with your shirt off, braggart.

Oof those jean shorts...


JNCO style jorts no less

Why do these assholes not know how to dress like a fucking adult?

The guy reads comic books. What do you expect?

What the fuck is up with NJ and Long Island rejects that get famous? Everything is a bit, a wacky song parody, calculated outfits, or a schtick they go to their grave with. Colin Quinn is the only person that actually lived amongst and studied these people and escaped.

He could direct and star in a movie with Norton about two Progeria kids and their bucket list. It would be super funny because instead of old people things it's stuff like smoking weed and dating a 20 year old girl... you know... things kids think is special and cool.

smoking weed

Jim has to leave the room for that part

Hell, I don't like the guy but I'm glad he's doing well. Good for him.

sigh it's a tough one.. the first An Evening With is pure gold.. then he started smoking weed and it really fucked up his delivery

He should put that doorknob in his butt.


This fuck had to have a heart attack to make him go "hmm, maybe I should stop eating so much". Apparently the risk of dropping dead and leave his daughter fatherless wasn't enough.

Why is it that every great big fat person who gets skinny always has a bobble head and narrow shoulders?

Is this a symptom of that fat person surgery? It's like they never workout and just eat celery three times a day. They are skinny fat people.

I don’t particularly enjoy his movies, agree with him on almost nothing, and he cries like a baby girl at nonsense. But I’m not gonna take this away from him: he did what people like Bobby Kelly and “I waz roiped!!!” cannot do. Decided he had had enough of being a fat pig and took care of it. And I usually enjoyed him on the air with Opie and Anthony, he never bitched about their content or complained about much of anything at all. I have always been surprised by the hate he gets here, he is more bland than bothersome to me.

I mean it did take a heart attack for him to finally get his shit together but I agree I can't hate him near as much any more

He had a heart attack after he dropped the first bit of weight, then he went vegan and lost a ton more.

penn jillette straight up looks like a holocaust survivor now he needs to gain it all back asap

he put a band in. he did what steve c. could and hopefully will add to that list.

Red State was alright.

I thought Clerks was genius when I was like 12 years old. Now of course I realise it's gay and stupid and boring.

True but the animated series was funny.

Imagine fantasizing about being obese while you're normal weight.

Looks like he's been hanging out with Goldberg from the Mighty Ducks

Damn Dawg

He's the pencil necked amalgamation of all white liberal faggot men. A walking male View.

Please name one good movie from this dude.


Cries at comic book movie trailers

Nothing sadder than middle-aged faggots wearing tacky colored Vans, trying to retain their youth.

Good to see him happy after going vegan

Nice clothes, stupid.

Still has a lazy piece of shit body. Smartphone necked faggot dressed like a Linkin’ Park fan that thinks weed and skateboarding are “the pinnacle of edgy shit to partake in”.

Never did a pushup in his life. Underneath those baggy stuck-in-the-90s rags is a saggy limp body of someone who’s never endured a real physical challenge in his entire life.

All he ever made was out of touch shit movies that can only entice a teenager who’s also a closet faggot.

Fuck this retarded bitch.

At the same time, im glad he's finally slimming down. Now he doesnt have to wear these fucking stupid faggy clothes

Is there anything worse than a guy that acts like comic books are high art?

I like the occasional cartoon or video game, but I'm not sitting here acting like I'm cultured. I don't sit around pontificating about the thematic devices in Super Mario Brothers.

Getting your retard dressed,is a full time job.

Relax your stupid eyebrows, asshole.

Every stupid picture he’s in he has that stupid surprised face, and it makes me want to punch him more and more each time i see him.