Mike 'the hole' Bocchetti didn't like this Brody Stevens joke

9  2019-02-28 by Dennyislife


Brody had to hang himself just to get talked about.

Good career move. The same happened with Bill Hicks- he was kind of a nobody to mainstream audiences (he had a great following in the UK).

He doesn’t even know how bad his “book” is. Mike did not use an editor and he can’t write for stink (pardon my language).

Retarded Beaker's (ty /u/LiterallyCaligula for the name) opinion on ANYTHING does not matter. He's nobody and nothing.

"I lost four people to suicide"

Poor Mike. Those four guys actually just faked their death and changed their numbers.

Bocchetti should be set on fire for the good of humanity

Opie & Mike Show would fawkin rule