Less than 24 hours until Joe's allowance payment

16  2019-02-28 by Carolsbustedmug

Can he cover all his bills for the month or will he have to sell some of his excess cheap guitars to make ends meet???


The nail biting suspense is such a sweet thrill

I bet he gets paid weekly so every week he has to sweat if Anthony is broke yet.

Joe is old enough to collect Social Security, is most likely on Medicaid and since Ant pays him under the table, he is probably eligible for food-stamps. Joe Cumia is a nigger.

I wonder how solid that pact is. Does he get A.'s watch or old clothes at the bitter end?

Nigga on pay day! Put on the best and ride to Walmart!

Joe was supposed to play Tally Ho Theater tomorrow night but for some reason it's not mentioned on their website or Twitter account.

Nobody but Joe would buy those