That time Joe thought he and Milla Jovovich were equals and the only reason they didn't go to dinner was because their schedules clashed

103  2019-02-28 by Itllbeceesh


Not being in showbiz, Joe is unfamiliar with the polite ways they tell people to fuck off

And he doesn't realize saying he was taller than some other men was the nicest thing the could think to say about this bovine trainwreck.

Joe: You're stunning in person!

Milla: Thanks! You're... tall.

Her not being a native English speaker she likely confused tall for fat

I imagine the interaction being somewhat like that time Costanza was bothering George Wendt backstage on the Tonight Show.

I'm certain people outside of show business would want him to fuck off just as much

Nah, she probably pulls up the ol' jpeg of this from time to time to reminisce, too!

Joe is unemployed and has a completely wide open schedule, yet he buys her rejecting him as "schedules clashing".

Like unless he had a date with a hotter celebrity what could have possibly clashed that he wouldn't just cancel. Oh right hes a liar.

This nigga said "Our schedules clashed"

She had to get to the movie set a date Joe had to get back to not getting his daughter to school on time.

Joe: We should get dinner together!

Milla: I'm busy.

Joe interprets a brush-off as "schedules clashed".

Reminds me of his interaction with that frumpy Antifa girl at the book signing.

"I'd like to buy you coffee."


"I didn't think so."

Cute as a button 🙄 as though he’s throwing her a bone by asking her to hang

What a delusional fool.

The audacity of that faggot to ask her

Tbh I don't believe he did ask her. I don't even really believe she complimented him on being tall.

All that probably happened was she quickly agreed to take a pic with Joe and he decided he'd write his own backstory for it.

You can see the surprise, she had never seen a man as tall a 6'1 before.

Joe: My names Joe and I’m not a racist, violent, pedophile despite what the libtards on imajurr would lead you to believe.

6’1” is slightly above average height at best now.. why is he talking like he’s 6’6”? I guess when your brother is 5’5”, you feel like a giant if you are 6ft.

“Schedules clashed” = “I texted AntH for some cash and he didn’t answer me back in time so she left.”

What an absolute cringe inducing ass hole Joe Cumia of 2U is. An utter embarrassment.

He conducts everything like a third grader

His schedule ! This guy.

joe is the other end of the extreme from Ant example of the result of absolute retarded deluded self confidence

Really though. By all rights he should’ve been hyperventilating at the mere sight of her but instead he’s like “hey you wanna go out? Oh, you can’t? Cool no problem!”

I like that he thinks 6'1 is this towering and impressive height for grown men.

That's what I noticed too. Keep in mind his brother is a midget.

She looks like she's being held hostage.

Lucky for Carol your schedules clashed, Joe! You and Milla would've gotten married I'm sure

This is easily in the top 10 most delusional Joe Cumia moments, which is the equivalent of a top 10 NFL catch. Just think, Joe was so convinced that he had a shot with this world famous model/actress that he had to post this fanboy picture as proof.

He sees nothing embarrassing about the fact that he’s a broke, ugly, stupid asshole who’s bragging about a totally one-sided imagined missed romantic connection to his entire social circle. He honestly thinks that he looks cool doing something like that, but meanwhile everyone he’s ever known is laughing at him.


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A testament to her years in the business that she can blow a fan off but have them think they had a shot. What a pro.

What’s sadder is that Jim Norton thinks the same way about prostitutes

You redditards don't think Milla Jovovovich didn't want a piece of this 100% American stud? He doesn't wear motorcycle safety gear. If that doesn't get cunt juice spilling like Chris Kuhn's kid onto the pavement then I don't know what does.

I guarantee he came up with that "schedules clashing" BS himself because he didn't want to be unfaithful to Nurse Diesel. He got the girl, after all.

In 20 years he'll still be telling people about the time he almost went out with Milla but their schedules didn't line up. Like the old guy who tells you about the time he was gonna go to Woodstock but his car was stolen a few days before.

In 20 years hopefully he'll be 19 years dead.

He was turned down for a coffee meet up by a AntHifa troll lady. The balls on this guy.

"Awww, it's too bad I have to pass on the single most amazing opportunity of my entire flabby life, but I really gotta run home to tweet about black crime statistics and twunts. Maybe next time."

Lol this fucking guy

Holy douche chills

That whole post makes me want to vomit. Disgusting Joe.

Our schedules.

"Yeah, sorry toots, I can't take you to dinner, I've got a gig doing a cover of Where the Streets have no name at Sammy's Bar & Grill."

Also she isn't ducking, she's leaning in, which means her feet are probably a foot away from him so if he turns creepy she can step away quickly and isn't positioned too close.

It's plausible that their schedules clashed.. he had nowhere to be and she wanted to be anywhere else.

She used to fuck John Frusciante. Looks like Joe took his role as guitar player for his and Ant's Chili Peppers cover band very seriously still at that point.

No, it totally happened. They almost went to dinner, but not with each other! Haaammmmburger.

His International tour with 2U must've been the reason for the scheduling conflict.

He has so little going for him that he had to bring his height into it

That smile did not linger on her face. Look how forced it is and how tense she is.

How does someone so monumentally worthless develop that kind of confidence??

She had to get to the movie set a date Joe had to get back to not getting his daughter to school on time.

In 20 years hopefully he'll be 19 years dead.