Nana With Vs Without Her Guns

53  2019-02-28 by Itllbeceesh



If only that grenade were real, and the pin ring got stuck between the elevator doors. "Going...up."

Ugh. Him and Joe with the pretend tough-guy bullshit. So glad at he (against his will) dropped that shit.

He legit looks like he’s ready for his 72 pre-teens in the left pic

And he still is

Left is ready to give up his life in the Libyan desert in the name of 9 year old girls, right has a nervous breakdown when two geriatrics argue with each other.

If the Opester hadn't saved Ant's life, he would have joined a Palestinian terror group and be dead by now

It looks like a shitty b movie about twins. One is a fat, boring old office worker and one is a Columbian drug dealer and circumstances cause them to switch roles.

Race shifting mexi-wop

He is so broke and miserable. There is a millisecond where I almost feel sorry for him. And then I don't at all and hope he feels every ounce of his self inflicted obscurity.

Anthony drinks so he doesn't have to remember when every single iota of his life was better.

Looked better, had a McMansion in an affluent Long Island community and an apartment in Times Square, worked less than two dozen hours a week for a million-ish per year at a company that had an established subscriber base and wasn't hemorrhaging his own retirement fund, had a live in girlfriend who probably loved him, mother that was still alive and he hadn't yet abandoned, and actually had a fan base and a future in radio until he would decide he was ready to retire.

But I guess it's worth throwing it all away just so he could talk honestly about black crime in Chicago.

He has to drink himself to death at this point. It's bad when you have to drink to block stuff out in your late 50s. It's especially bad if the scenario you're trying to block out is only going to get worse. His vital organs can't have many years left.

I’m still hilarious.

Damn hgh is a hell of a drug

"Compadre, today, we liberate Mexico !"
"Sue me, please..."