Hate-able fat ass.

34  2019-02-27 by RBuddCumia


The lightning bolt guitar strap isn't doing it for ya?

It clashes with the american flag durag. Too busy.

What about being held back by the chains? You don't want this nigger getting out!

Les Paul Custom???

Guided hardware upgrade bro

Res Paul Crustom.

Res Paur Guital

It only works l to r, not r to l, stupid

That's the joke, stupid

It's not an accurate mocking if you replace the r with an l, which you did with "guital". No Asian would say "guital", stupid

because it would be trite, stupid

Imagine the look on the poor guys face when joe asked him if he could borrow that guitar.

wide idiot

Hate-able? He isnt hate-able he is hated immensely.

This jerk really likes that stupid shirt

Crooked block inlays

Nice chibson, stupid

He looks obnoxious here with context to his character. But when you see him wearing a fucking tanktop on his slob physique, he looks obnoxious without any prior knowledge to who he is.

It's not an accurate mocking if you replace the r with an l, which you did with "guital". No Asian would say "guital", stupid