
0  2019-02-27 by srfr


Bolted on beef should result in clit removal

You just know she banged Arian looking hunks in school broke her heart and now ... ''comuinzm ''

Nice “aryan,” stupid.

Bruce Arians exbhead coach of the cardinals

Learn to spell nigga

Looks like she has a fkn mustache

She does. She has the face of an 11 year old Mexican boy


It’s a slight one but you can tell the bitch never shaved off the peach fuzz

Imagine the sandpaper smooches you'd get from here

It's not her ladystache I want to suck on, sir.

are we posting boomer facebook memes in this sub now?

When it has some delicious socialist titties. I’m fine with it. If it lacked tits or a reference to them. Then we need to eradicate it from this subs existence.

It's only the 14 year old MDE losers who have never seen a pair of titties in real life, so they need to post embarrassing "beefer" posts like it's 1997.

That was a great year

Tripping on a hole in a paper heart

Implants at 18 years old.

Under socialism aren’t they our tits?

Yea it's a shame they kicked her out of Menudo after they came in.

Hairy butthole