Only one that is bad as can!He might be Puerto Rican, but he is not stupid.

10  2019-02-27 by bobodid911


Me? 10 feet tall, 350... 450 pounds brotha!

Yeah, costed me at least two thousand dollars. Two, five, five, five hundred grand!

Best was when they had the black guy on the phone pretending to be Obama. And he started calling Beet a bitch. Beet lost his fucking mind lmao

Link? I never heard that! 🤣 And that one caller who would always start shit with him, “Yo, what’s your problem Beet?!” And “Me and your sister are in love and getting married.”

Johnny T-Bone.

Romney should have had Beet give a keynote speech at the RNC about Obama.

He ain’t shit. Last time he gave my mother a birthday card. I said if you ever give my mom a birthday card like that again I’m gonna slap you in the fucking face.

I'll take her to a hotel...I'll do her dwarfy style. How's that?

I’m a black Puerto Rican

RIP Patrice

Most amazing beetle moment was when he was cursing that guy out in different languages. All gibberish of course, and when they asked him to curse him out in Dutch or something he just said "Ill beat ya fag ass ya piece of shit"

He doesn't like jews, because "they smell."

speak a little spanish for us beet