No,no... I am not in the Navy , honey!

9  2019-02-27 by bobodid911


That's a weirdly short pinky finger

Gwan kid, ya bother me

This dude is so underrated its a travesty

Maybe today, but what other comedians from the 1930s can you even name?

actually a few, but thats just me

Turns out there are a handful that are well-known that I wasn't thinking of, so I take it back.

Just curious, though, do you know any more obscure ones that are worth checking out?

if you wanna listen to a dude that probably influenced the fuck out of otto and george look up “Charley McCarthy”

Every dig Ant made to Di (including "bloated WC Fields face") now pertains to him. Full blown alcoholic who drinks from sunrise to sunset, abandoned a close family member when they needed them most, lost a great job due to inability to behave, won't take rehab seriously or do anything to help themselves.

He'll be calling Jim and Sam claiming it's 2014 and Ronald Reagan is president in a few years time.

Remember when Lady Di started a podcast network?

The difference is that Di’s sweet nature actually makes her somewhat likeable. Anthony’s only redeeming quality was his humor and he hasn’t been funny for years.

Well he hasn't sprayed diarrhea all over Ugly Betty yet, but that's a pretty low bar.

She just had to get it out.