Is this a comedy special or a horror movie?

2  2019-02-27 by WhereTheShitComesOut


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health advises that pregnant women avoid routine exposure to noise louder than 115 decibels (think of the noise a chainsaw makes).

All that laughter is probably added in post so hopefully the little rug rat didn't get too distressed.

Feel bad for the kid. Every single birthday party big Amy will be stealing attention from it, getting it gay gifts like a donation in its name to some stupid charity and bringing the cake out with a giant cartoonist bite mark through half of it

If it's a boy every single book, gift or lecture it gets will be about feminism -- my sister is always giving my little nephew books about famous women in history and refuses to let him play with swords or toy guns around her.

Remember that ugly Jew from Big Bang Theory describing how she was raising her kids? What a living hell.

You mean Blossom? I bet there is so little laughter in that broads house that the laugh track of a sitcom would have them fleeing to their panic room

think of the noise a chainsaw makes

A typical screeching female audience is nearly indistinguishable.

She’s not even pregnant, but she will steal a baby and parade it around in a few months.

Get it? She's fat

Hey you're not suppose to drink when pregnant

Isn't she so outrageous but adorable at the same time?????

Colin & Attell swear she’s great and so funny. Who knew they could be so easily bought off with roles playing a homeless bum and a retarded dad?

Attell said he lost his ass funding that porn show he had. I don't know what Colin's excuse is.

So now she's stealing Ali Wong's special?

How is she ever fatter

She rose and fell no differently than any other 15 minute comedian like Dane Cook. Except despite thieving allegations, blockbuster bombs, and a special so shitty it forced Netflix to change its rating system, this fat bitch is still being pushed by the Jews. Guess it pays to be a (((Schumer))).

Big if true.