Not a Faggot

3  2019-02-27 by slynsk


Oi cunt Islam ain't very good, innit?

They had a loiscense to rape those underage girls.

Islam more like Pisslam, cheers m8

What's Louis doing there?

Also kind of looks like that leaf Molyneux.

He’s jacking off onto a female constable.

He's a massive faggot and the EDL is just an Israeli front group that is as hostile to anyone to their right as they are to Islam. He could have caused a fucking mistrial when he violated his court order and filmed that day too. Fuck him.

After reading about why he was arrested yeah he deserved it.

Here's another thing: I didn't really hear after that much about those poor girls. It was all about fucking 'Tommy' and 'Free Tommy' and 'Donate here for Tommy'. Fuck I hate these self serving Rebel Media stunts.

Spot on. He never gave a shit about those victims (not to absolve the UK criminal justice system, but in this case at that point he was doing more to impede justice) and he went along with a retarded spin campaign to make him into a Free Speech Warrior, all part of Ezra Levant’s gay production.

yeah but what % of people who hate him vocally online do so because of his zionist apologizing?



Nope complete attention seeking faggot. The sub has really been off the mark lately.

Oi dem muzlims be ruinin da cunt tree ya? I be avin many new ideas ya, changin fings ya


This never gets old.

No, he is and so are you.