Dawn's toothy skull

13  2019-02-26 by crookedmile


I'm thinking big piss flaps for some reason?

Bigger=easy to slurp

...I am intrigued

Now try it without the pounds of makeup and camera filters: https://i.imgur.com/8TglJOP.jpg

Still would. Old "italian" ladies drive me nuts.

You're sick. She looks like Anthony in drag.

I have mommy issues . Always have loved old hags well past their prime.


Back when her asscheeks were tight & not drooping down near the back of her knees.

Why is she holding piles of Antwan's hair?

Decent tits. Hairy butthole.

Hairy butthole.

You had my attention. Now you've got my interest.

Fuckin ass bush. It’s like a forest back there.