For our British users.

160  2019-02-26 by bobodid911


More like Doctor Who Cares, am I right gang?

Yeah you're right.

Does she have the warhead of a missile wired up in that chair?

Either that or some other crude explosive. It's mandatory, don't ya know?

Looks like she's in a bombed out warzone, so at least the outcome will be entertaining.

soo good , it needs it's own post

Doctor WTF

The new doctor who was in a shitty firefighter drama a few years ago. Her husband had his dick burnt off so he would just eat her pussy out instead.

Then she cheated on him with his workmate and best friend.

I'm going to check pornhub for it now.

Her husband had his dick burnt off

Hilarious if true.

They showed it too. He looked like a melted Barbie doll.

Wtf is that

Big Jay selected the new theme music:

Wheelchair fags are usually GAMERS, who if they aren't trannies are totally alt-right, so the BBC wouldn't do that.

(Why the fuck is the thing blue?)

Old police ( phone box) from the 60's and before. Guess blue lights blue box makes some sort of sense.

Oh no, I hope they don't besmirch the sanctity of fucking Dr. Who.

From a certain angle it looks like Joe Cumia. The flag helps

Dr bomb vest

Not even satirical so much as factual.

Davies, did, however get to do something Moffat didn't: create future incarnations of the Doctor, post-Jodie Whittaker.

In the sequence where Rose goes to see amateur investigator Clive for more information after her first encounter with the ninth Doctor, the author included mentions of "a tall, bald black woman wielding a flaming sword" and "a young girl or boy in a hi-tech wheelchair" among Clive's collection of photographic evidence.

Ha ha ha ha, we're fucked. No one wants to see any of this.

a tall, bald black woman


wielding a flaming sword


a young girl or boy in a hi-tech wheelchair


Davies just said that to see what he could get away with from the BBC. He was just fucking around.

This is the people who made Zeus and Roman nobles black, I doubt he was "getting away with" anything, they probably wanted more examples of minority Doctors.

If only I gave a hoot about Dr. Who...

This is the BBC trying to indoctrinate kids and fucking normalise mental illness as genders

Its a spoof sweetheart.

No I mean the whole making the doctor female, kids shows about eight year old girls wanting to be transgender

So it's some ancient bullshit alien with magic autism powers that flies through time and space vs trashcan monsters but it only makes sense if it reincarnates in the same gender?

And race? Make it reincarnate as a street shitting pajeet.

but it only makes sense if it reincarnates in the same gender?

a female doctor makes no sense in any scenario, even fiction

Its a alien who changes from person to person when it is about to die. Having it change sex is more realistic than that as some animals can do that shit.

Doctor VBIED

Dr. Foot Immobile

More like Dr. BOOOO

Dont act like it's possible to ruin this unwatchable shit with diversity.

Oh I get it, it's because they're super gay pushovers when it comes to bending over and accepting the invading horde of their brown replacements. All kidding aside, it's sad to see a once great world power totally crumble willingly, accepting extreme ideologies and Orwellian government. At least the US government is very good at presenting the illusion of choice..

Ilhan Omar put on her best drags for this one. Fuck muslims.

Not inclusive enough - all muslims are gay and all women are handicapped.

Dr Why bother.

GeT It?! BeCaUsE mUzZiEs AnD pC iS rUiNiNg EuRoPe!!! #THETRUTH

Proof you can be a fruit and a vegetable at the same time

Show died long before when Moffat took over for Davies.