Vitriol and insults with Nick Di Paolo

8  2019-02-25 by SamRobertsSucks


Buzz your girlfriend Woof!

Being a "restaurant columnist" for a shitty Albany newspaper must be a real drag. No wonder this guy is eating himself to death.

"I’ve never been a bartender, but as a veteran barsitter, I’d say a clear indicator of when it’s time to cut off a patron is when they start leaving the “d” out of “vodka”: “No, no, we want three VOK-uh sodas! Extra orange slices!!”"

I guess I forgot to laugh.

I wonder if Nick had some choice words for Hillary

(Muslims got sprayed with Di Paolo's cheap, pandering bigotry. And what he said he'd like to do with the autopsy photos of "thick-ankled, dog-faced" Hillary Clinton can't be described in this newspaper.*

Always with the cankles, Nick.

Nick goes for the throat!

He's been using that since the Tough Crowd days.

"He said Whoopi Goldberg would be unfamiliar with sexual harassment not just because she resembles a "beanbag chair with dreads"; he asked, "In what zoo" would she have encountered it? He said there are few black serial killers, because African-Americans lack the required work ethic."

Dipaolo killin it for us today

Steve Barnes: Faggot

Nick Dip, one of the only O&A comics not to become a giant pussy.

He’s the biggest faggot of them all. Obsessed with “liberals” and black crime stats.

Why should people care if there’s a guy out there saying mean things. Why is this so important.

People don't show respect to White European males anymore, a group made up of hundreds of millions of people on the planet.

No no no, there's a couple hundred white guys running companies, so you're wrong.

Nice logic, faggot. The fact that people like this fruit exist is enraging. And of course he only liked the most milquetoast of Nick's bits. Weak-willed pussy.

His stats on "white males" I'm sure fails to differentiate between full-fledged Europeans and ashkenazim so lop off the first digit from each of those numbers he provided

It's hard to overstate how loathsome Di Paolo can be. He said Whoopi Goldberg would be unfamiliar with sexual harassment not just because she resembles a "beanbag chair with dreads"; he asked, "In what zoo" would she have encountered it? He said there are few black serial killers, because African-Americans lack the required work ethic

Enough with the sales pitch, I'm sold.

Always with the cankles, Nick.