QANON posts old Patton Oswalt Pedophile Tweets

0  2019-02-25 by sexylarrytate


Who the fuck cares?

I think that on just about everything posted here, so why not?

Might I suggest finding a sub that caters to your QAnon-loving tastes. There are literally thousands of retards like you posting over on political subs.

Ohhh like no one EVER posted about Patton Oswalt here. Just pointing out he is getting some attention again.

It's the QAnon part I'm referring to, you retard. You can tell by the way I referred to exclusively to QAnon and how I told you to find a sub that caters "to your QAnon-loving tastes".

Did not realize your hatred of Qanon outweighs a good ribbing of Patton Oswalt. You my friend are an emotional fool.

Fuck you

There are plenty of good ribbings of Patton Oswalt. I can be selective and tell you to take your QAnon and stuff it, pal.

I happened to see Qanon post something about Patton Oswalt so I posted it here because this board loves it when Oswalt gets negative attention. I had no idea there would be such an over-reaction on where it came from.

Instead of unironically linking to QAnon on this sub, I suggest you hang yourself by the neck until dead.

I didn't realize I was being unironic. Thank's dude.

Were you being ironic here posting “proof” that q is legit?

Are you being ironic in asking me that?

Fuck is QAnon?

You need a red pill ohr somthin! tsss

Shut up faggot.

Tee Hee


Pretty much its Anonymous rebranded as anti-semantic.

Do you mean anti semitic?

Yeah. Fucking autocorrect.

So what is it?

Ugh I replied but certain words here are banned. It’s a group of delusional autists who believe OrangeManBad is like a James Bond character mastermind/ Jesus figure who has come to fix everything. They think he speeches and tweets have hidden messages for them. It’s like borderline religious. Just autism to the max.

Note: I’m using “OrangeManBad” because more appropriate terms referring to this person are banned here.

Beautifully stated sir

you see, he announced it and his career skyrocketed. pizzagate is real.

I know

you don't know shit faggot

sez you, ya joyless puss

Never heard of him

So Patton killed his wife because she wouldn't go along with his pedophilia? It all make sense now.

I didn't realize I was being unironic. Thank's dude.

Fuck is QAnon?

Shut up faggot.

So what is it?

It's the QAnon part I'm referring to, you retard. You can tell by the way I referred to exclusively to QAnon and how I told you to find a sub that caters "to your QAnon-loving tastes".

Yeah. Fucking autocorrect.

Beautifully stated sir

Were you being ironic here posting “proof” that q is legit?