8  2019-02-25 by AiCPearlJam


You can already hear this middle aged ghoul ... "isn't it greaaaat? -damone voice " hahahah!" *sopranos reference*

*are here

In Ebonics, “is” is correct

I agree it doesn’t look correct, but you can say “is” if Free Mondays is not referring to a group of Mondays but the singular concept of Mondays that are free.

You should be embarrassed to be on their mailing list, stupid.

I’ve seen less obnoxious 70%-off-going-out-of business-sale commerc.... oh wait NVM

Needs more layers. What the fuck is with the kid in the hospital bed?

Also needs more fonts.

No no no, That's the kid still tied to a bed after Nana is done feeding and walking out

Anthony must be doing really well to offer his network totally free on the free speech platform for free thinking freeefreefreefreefr

I bet that appearance on Joe Rogan really got his name out there and people are realizing what a steal this is!

Why don't they just scrap the whole shit can operation? Just do what the Puerto Rican is doing he is making money.

That would be admitting defeat to the libtards and redditards. Most importantly, everyone would know he couldn't make it without Opie. And that would just kill him.

Still too much.

The last person who cared that Anthony was ""censored"" by Sirius is long dead. No one cares anymore that you got fired, Anthony. Find another schtick.

Jesus, Jimmy's act is dynamic and unpredictable compared to this dreck.

Every white dude ive ever been on a date with is like this. So what do you do for a living. Well, you see, before the economy crashed I was balblabla shuttup

Black dudes, on the other hand always tell you what they're bout to do. My mixtape gon drop, imma get my mobile carwash/t shirt airbrushing company up and running, but for now i need you to cover the check

(Insert joke about how ant is not actually white to stay on topic)

You mean like “Imma rape you now then steal your bag after I’ve stabbed you”?

You're trash.

In case anyone was unaware, this is the sheboon with the deformed belly button on her new account.

Well. At least today he has Rich Vos on. That should add about 10 viewers.

Has this lazy piece of shit been doing 10 extra minutes a day to make up for the lost episode?

"Let's knock off early."

Wait. If I had a 'favorite' CM show, wouldn't I have to have already subscribed in order to know what one would be my favorite?

All the ones I’ve seen have been streamed somewhere, so no, not necessarily

What's going on with the 2 microphones and mic stand

That's not a 'D' in Monday, but a backwards G...