What happened to lil'jimmy?

16  2019-02-25 by damnyankees4453



Jim Norton used to be the best third mic on the airwaves

full of vitriol, self-loathing, spite, resentment, and hatred towards the world

He was enjoyable, and made the days go by faster, made (my) suicide less appealing


now this faggot has shown his true colors, indifferent towards all, flying in trannies from norway, doing anything his little slimy worm persona can muster in order to put his personal "brand" of being a middle aged anorexic lesbian into the hearts and minds of middle america


Was fat jimmy just a character, a facade?

was he always a spineless bitch, acting as a "tough guy" to cater his phony persona into the blue collar audience during the O and A golden years?

I have a newfound respect for Michu Kaku, as smart as he is he kNEW not to engage this groveling lonely sub-human in everyday conversation


Was fat jimmy just a character, a facade?

Yes. On that show where they roast his old stand-up, Patrice says as much; that's who he really was and he put on an act to blend in with the "Table Crowd" of comics and O&A.


You had to look that up in the dictionary, didn't you?

no, patrice used it on one of the black phillip shows

Point dexter hahah

Thank you for the laughs

Patrice told us who jimmy was years ago, he turns into the shape of anything you pour him into is the perfect way to explain it.

He got old.

A warning to those of you who said screw marriage and kids.

Increased estrogen brought out his/her true self

If you're past 40 and crying while watching a movie, just know that you're turning into a worm.


Jim realized the amount of honesty he was practicing on air was too detrimental to his personal life. Honesty about his personal life is the one of the defining aspects of his style of comedy. It is what other comics always admire about Jim when they talk about him. He is neutered without it.

He's a rich old guy now, they're insufferable and boring.

His entire life is into his garage, into his car, to work, radio with people he knows, to an expensive gym, maybe a dinner with friends, and then 15 minutes of standup, and home to bed. Weekends 1st class to a show, sit in the hotel room, do the show, back to hotel then home.

That guy on the phone was actually funnier than the tryhard faggot worm in the clip you posted

"Y-you were beat up in school .. girls name ... CANCEL YOUR XM!!!"

You can hear the insecurity dripping from every word. Norton was NEVER funny.

was he always a spineless bitch, acting as a "tough guy" to cater his phony persona into the blue collar audience during the O and A golden years?



the clip you posted of him sucked. He kept called the dude girls name like 3 times before he could even think of one. Then Just kept calling him girls names and ending every sentence "shut mary". The caller was 100% funnier, calling norton out on his fake alcoholism and lack of humour.

Yes, it was all an illusion. As mentioned before, Kirk Sinnamin is the real Jim.

He's always been a worm. The hacky high-voiced Jimmy was who he really was, under his own influence, and even that is questionable, since he was already in his mid/late 20s by that point, so who knows where he got that shtick from? But he stole the shock humor from Dice, he stole the format of his quippy insults from Colin Quinn, he just sees creative people with respect and success and he leeches off of them. I'm guessing the rage at the world came from a lot of people. Patrice, who grew up as a poor fatherless black man and had a lot of anger towards a lot of institutions that he saw as being phony. Bob Kelly, who spent time in juvenile detention and was bounced around the foster system in his teens. Florentine, who was brought up in a strict and probably oppressive or abusive religious household which led to him getting an (actual) substance abuse problem as an adolescent. The list goes on and on, and it's an obvious and undeniable trait that you can track throughout Norton's career.

The only question is whether James does it intentionally, or if he is legitimately unaware of the process, and it's truly subconscious in nature. I would guess that it's deliberate, but who knows?

He was never the best 3rd mic. That would go to Patrice Oneal. Eric Logan thought the same thing. He was actively pushing to have that done.

Making a classic Jimmy playlist if anyone cares.


Personally, I doubt so much talent could come from someone being inauthentic. He's a zero now so I'd call this the persona.

Another Patrice quote calls Jim a liquid that fits perfectly in whatever glass he's poured into. He's a fuckin monster when he's told to have no filter and a lap dog when he's told otherwise.