Unfunny Ginger Faggot

19  2019-02-25 by slynsk


100% accurate title

Who is this?

Current LA golden boy Andrew Santinto.

Again: who?

His anger from growing up ginger over shadows any chance of being funny.

This is him post hair plugs and acne chemical peel

when did Bill Burr get a hair transplant?

He makes me sick. He’s really tricked people that he’s funny.

No wonder MDE got shut down with all these low effort 'post a picture, call them a faggot' posts. Its really getting fucking gay when most of the sub doesn't even know who the person is in the boiler plate post that you're begging for upvotes with.

Be more funny

And what the fuck do you bring to the table?

mde didn't really have any posts like this. The equivalent would be clown world posts which was generally a pic of a vox article.


This guy had the legend Bobby Lee on his podcast and it was the most tamed I've ever seen Bobby. This Andrew Santino character with his low effort, non-jokes really fucking stinks.

Was expecting Steve Hofstetter


He always talks like he just did two bumps.


Red Cunt

Santinos here!