You know what dude, you got your superhuman strength, you got your immovable body mass, BOOM you're The Blob

243  2019-02-25 by crookedmile


Stan Lee wanted to write a story about the Blob blowing a human for a steak, but the Comics Code shut him down, told him it "wasn't PFG".

Is PFG the new Vos roll or did this happen?

Duuuude those sentinels are so schmarmy

We’re a brotherhood of evil mutants, dude.

"Nice superpower, stupid."

now we know how bobby Really broke his ribs


You can find Ant in the sewers with the other Morlocks

Scott Summers can actually pierce his skin with his optic force beams


Hey, it's Logan Two-Shirts!

he's still alive and Patrice is dead. This is how i know there's no God

Patrice really wasnt the magical nigger everyone makes him out to be. He actually kinda sucked, but he had the benefit of having intelligence, which is something 99% of the blacks dont have.

Agreed. But he was funny and like u said he had what 99% of them didn't. Bobby on the other hand is a slow witted dolt and there are plenty of those

He wasn’t that funny either. His greatest gift was just trashing his buddies on air, He was clueless about race relations And spoke like he knew it all. And a Bunch of fags here have a boner for him just cause of his misogynistic red pill views on women.

I totally understand what you're saying. There's a lot of sheep out there that when a comedian dies they all of a sudden are programmed to say "so and so was so awesome! Just amazing! A legend!" and other faggotry. And was Patrice the most amazing comedian? God no. But he was funny and a hell of a lot more of a thinker than most black comedians. That might be like saying "that kid over there is the smartest retard in the room" and i suppose it is, but u get what I'm saying

Also sad that stupid Chimps like Jimmy Martinez will probably roam the earth forever, giving their insight on "getting yo dick sucked is da best dawg!" on stage.

Very true, what you just said hit me right in the soul and it made me want to kill myself. I think im gonna

Don't u do it! Without ppl like us who will endlessly ridicule SJW murders like Patton Oswalt?

Fair point, I’ll stick around for a couple more years

Bobby wishes he had muscles like that.

Bet his calves are swole as a motherfucker.

This is why I'm on the sub more than any other site.

Nothing moves The Blob, child.

Patrice really wasnt the magical nigger everyone makes him out to be. He actually kinda sucked, but he had the benefit of having intelligence, which is something 99% of the blacks dont have.

Very true, what you just said hit me right in the soul and it made me want to kill myself. I think im gonna

I totally understand what you're saying. There's a lot of sheep out there that when a comedian dies they all of a sudden are programmed to say "so and so was so awesome! Just amazing! A legend!" and other faggotry. And was Patrice the most amazing comedian? God no. But he was funny and a hell of a lot more of a thinker than most black comedians. That might be like saying "that kid over there is the smartest retard in the room" and i suppose it is, but u get what I'm saying