Jim is a sheltered diva with no idea of the real world

139  2019-02-25 by Dennyislife

Sam let slip that they went to a supermarket together on their trip to get some snacks. Jim went to get a RX Bar but they only sold it in bulk. So he opened up the box taking one bar not knowing it was sold in multi-packs.

How is the concept of a multi-pack foreign to him?


Because he’s a faggot

This is the sufficient answer for all Jim related questions.

Is an Rx bar something that has flavors like chocolate and cookies n cream but tastes like a baseball glove? It's Jim so I assume yes. He should just get his nutrients by injection and forgo the food that will go straight to his thighs

i googled it. It doesn't look great.

They aren't bad.

It's like poorly flavored cardboard

It's hipster shit.


Oh he gets his nutrients injected all right.

I personally like them but see how someone wouldn’t

You listen to Jim and Sam, what does that make you?

waiting for the rain delay in the cricket to end.

go to shemaletube.com, it would be less gay

way more popular sport than any of your little local american sports which are just male versions of our girl sports Netball and rounders. And rugby with pads on.

Its a bold move Cotton.

Lets see if it pays off...

my username is "damn yankees". you're not the brightest, are you?

I can only assume its a baseball reference.

But no. Never claimed to be either.

As in Ted Nugent and Tommy Shaw's American band?

Cricket is the only sport streetshitters can compete in. Says it all really.

nah they are good at their own like sports too...like Americans. They invent sports nobody else cares about to boost their self esteem. Kabaddi is huge there and nobody gives a fuck anywhere else.

Googled Kabaddi, what a stupid fucking sport.

i tried to learn the rules earlier on a youtube video. They lost me when they had to chant kabaddi during play and some weird breathing they need to do.

What's that shit they play where they all line up then 2 guys run away for some reason? I remember seeing pakis do this all the time when I was a kid.

I think you're thinking of this.

Naw there was more of a seemingly random scrum without a ball.

The best athletes are in American sports, and our leftovers can compete in your professional leagues. America uses Europe like a developmental league.

If our athletes played your faggy sports they might actually be watchable. That’s why London wants to host NFL games. Even with the NFL turning to shit it’s still better than its European alternative.

The NFL does tiny numbers in the uk. It's not popular at all.

Best athletes? I mean most the boxing champions are not american most the ufc guys are weird former russians.

NFL and baseball is full of fattys and basketball is pretty much a non contact sport.

The NFL kills in the UK when compared to rugby in the US.

Boxing has been on the decline for decades. The UFC seems like it’s on its way down too, a lot of their big ticket fighters are women and athletes that have crossed over from other sports(like football and wrestling).

I’d be willing to bet that if you take our athletes from so called non contact sports like the NBA, and did a crossover league with European rugby players, the 6’10 250 lbs black men that have been doing cardio non stop might have a slight advantage.

They'd get taken apart. Because their bodies are built for completely different sports...

Rugby players are 250lbs these days too in the positions speed isn't as big a deal.

Your argument is retarded, we’ve already established that they play different sports.

NBA players don’t train to get big, either. They’re just freaks of nature. They got big high thighs that go into their back. It goes all the way back to the civil war...

The NBA has 250 pound guards these days with 7 foot wingspans.

The fact that you say speed isn’t a big deal is telling as to how retarded you are. Someone who is big and also traveling at a fast rate will have a much higher force when tackling you.

This guy is so upset about shitting on his fruity country.

yes Americans get rather touchy about nobody else liking their sports.

Netball sounds like a sport they play in a cyberpunk dystopia.

It's basketball without running. I dunno why its called net as there isn't one.

It's just as boring as Basketball though.

Imagine living in such a poor country you are playing a game from the 1700’s.

Ah yes just like that famously for the people sport like golf. And horse racing

Is this some sort of wink and a nod?

I was wondering what kind of idiots watch that inane boring shit. Doesnt suprise me that its the same people listening to jim and sam.

Jim and sam is the cricket of radio.

way more action packed than baseball.

That's like saying it's less gay to fuck a tranny than a masculine dude. It's all faggotry.

He would be tempted to binge if he bought the whole box of 6. Addict behavior. The struggle is real.

One is never enough

If that story is real I hope he has a slip and fall incident in the shower and drowns in a half inch of water. Fucking faggot

That buying in bulk is a real motherfucker man.

who's the bigger fag, Jim for being a diva or you for listening?

That line would’ve worked 3 years ago.

You actually listen to their show?

Jim is a guy who barely knows how to live in an efficiency apartment that became a millionaire. Remember when he threw a party at his house and had to buy fold-out camping chairs because he had like two chairs in his apartment? He doesn't know how regular people operate on any level.

Unlike his abortion of a cartoon, I would pay money to have Jim put in a suburban home and see how he deals with the "challenges" of that life. Imagine him figuring out what to do when the power goes out or the sink get clogged.

He would just call somebody like everyone with money does.

He'd get on every maintenance program that tradesman offer, he'd have someone mow the lawn, maintain his furnace. He'd have someone come in to clean, he'd have his meals either delivered or bring in a chef.

He doesn't need to know any of that shit. He's a fancy lad.

No, no, no Jim doesn't enjoy snack cakes

Didnt he live with his parents until he was almost 40?

He also filmed a youtube video of him making eggs in his apartment and he still had the cardboard in his stove that comes in it when you buy it. The problem was he had been living there for a year

I'm sure he gave the cashier a talking to after she explained to him that these candy bars are not sold individually.

If I opened a multipack for one bar, I sure ain't taking it to the cashier & trying to pay for it.

He probably spit on the floor and then left a negative yelp review. I wish he was dead

He has such a basic bitch's understanding of nutrition, doesn't look at the nutritional info shit protein bars which are little more than an awful tasting candy bar with some cheap whey/soy protein sprinkled in. But doesn't put salt in food bc salt has sugar in it. Would love to input his daily food intake in something like cronometer.com just to see how massive his nutritional deficiencies are bc of his ocd eating paterns.

The whole RX bar Schtick is the all the ingredients are on the front of the package and they only have like five ingredients. As far as protein bars go they are almost all protein and none of it is from soy. And they taste like shit.

He just does it all to seem interesting. He doesnt give a rats ass about nutrition

He has the nutritional knowledge and tendencies of a lifetime fatty that just lost their first 10 pounds and now can’t wait to tell you about how they did it. Him thinking salt and egg yoke are the enemy is proof of this. It’s probably why most people look better when they get in shape and he looks worse. He probably would have done better with the 22 year old guy/girls he lusts after if he stayed the same because of the myth that fat guys are strong

These scccccumbags want me to buy an entire six pack of RX bars? I'm an addict you dope!

I hope he is talking about those MetRX bars that have like 55 grams of protein in them and are clearly made for bodybuilders. I'm sure 120 pound Jim Morten really needed that after basting his back and shoulders at Gold's Gym for 2 hours.

Oh god those taste like butthole

Jim walks on a treadmill and or elliptical. He doesn't workout back and shoulders, even if his female trainer insists.

As much as I want hate Jim - this is more of a story of Sam being a fucking idiot faggot.

In most places - you can buy the box but they sell them individually and sometimes you have to open up the box yourself. Happens in Stop n Shop all the time.

But Jim is an inept cunt.

Sam specifically said it wasn't one of those type of boxes but a bulk buy box. Had the not for sale multi pack wrapping etc

It didn't scan at the till.

Wtf is a till. Stop.

Then you take it to the Courtesy Counter.

I see.

Well, you've not only made me look like the fool - but you've hurt my feelings.

Now that I've defended Jim fucking Norton - and was wrong... I'm going to kill myself tonight. There. Mission accomplished, u/Dennyislife - cruel bastard.

Corbin Dallas, multi-pack

So Jim presented himself at checkout with a single RX Bar in his hand, staring silently at the cashier.

honest question, why are you listening to the jim and sam show?

I work a max of 6 hours a week. And even those i can listen to podcasts etc too.

It's just background noise. I wouldn't say i listen to it avidly.

Nice job, nigga

Something else that never happened.

Jim is the opposite of nigger rich, which is somehow worse. He has all this money and fame and uses it on absolutely nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even use prostitutes that much anymore, he just takes Instagram photos with attractive women he is either unable or unwilling to fuck, then goes home to eat bowls of grey food all alone and just sit around all alone.

Everything he dreamed life on the C-list would be like

When he dies the government will collect 1.6 million dollars, 200 acrylic dildos, and a lock box full of, what is undoubtedly, child porn.

He has no heirs.

He's a no good sonuva bitch

Did they motherfuck him and make him buy the whole box?

No. He got the lowly paid worker to manually price it up by telling him what he normally pays.

This is exactly what elderly women do.

What’s his employment history? Like, what did he do before getting paid for comedy?

Surely he just didn’t spend his 20s living at his parents’ without a day job.

go to shemaletube.com, it would be less gay

Googled Kabaddi, what a stupid fucking sport.

What's that shit they play where they all line up then 2 guys run away for some reason? I remember seeing pakis do this all the time when I was a kid.

The best athletes are in American sports, and our leftovers can compete in your professional leagues. America uses Europe like a developmental league.

If our athletes played your faggy sports they might actually be watchable. That’s why London wants to host NFL games. Even with the NFL turning to shit it’s still better than its European alternative.

If I opened a multipack for one bar, I sure ain't taking it to the cashier & trying to pay for it.

This guy is so upset about shitting on his fruity country.

I was wondering what kind of idiots watch that inane boring shit. Doesnt suprise me that its the same people listening to jim and sam.

Jim and sam is the cricket of radio.

He probably spit on the floor and then left a negative yelp review. I wish he was dead