CQ being a real ass dude on the Colbert show. Receives groans and awkward silence when he dares to make reference to there being too many genders.

149  2019-02-25 by panasonictooth


3:00 is a good starting point.

Yeah thanks, I should have said that.

Thanks. I don’t want to sit through a second more of the faggot Colbert than I have to.

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14 minutes ago.

Why did Colbert have to become such a faggot

He was always an attention starved faggot, we just didn’t realize it before, because he was playing a character. Ronnie B told a story about being in the same movie screening as him. Colbert was attempting zany prop jokes. He is a real life chip

Arrogant conservative = Likeable Sycophantic liberal = Unlikeable

Who'da thought

When was he not a faggot?

When he played a faggot on Strangers with Candy.

Harvey birdman wasn't bad either

I forgot about that. He was my favorite character.

Voice acting doesnt reslly count.

Try telling that to the full-growns on the rest of reddit.

Funniest show in the history of TV.

Oh how the mighty have crash-dived.

Just started rewatching episodes recently. I love the episode with the substitute teacher who wants to beat up Jellineck for being gay.

truly was his peak

Hell yeah. This is why I side with Colin in this CK vs Quinn fight. CK didnt do this shit. That Cuck King bent his knee. He said Hilary needed to be president because she is a mother. Quinn is on there talking about how red states aren't evil. He doesnt even bent the knee for a second

What Ck vs Quinn fighting are you talking about?

I have zero idea so going to check back to see what he writes

Stop saying "bend the knee". That's so gay.

Colbert kept ruining by trying to turn everything back to politics everytime CQ was just trying to be funny. Seemed obvious he wanted to hear Colin do some anti-Trump zingers but Colin kept going to funnier topics instead and it was pissing Colbert off. The Jimmy Fallon interview from a month back was way funnier, I gotta give it to Fallon he gets CQ more than this faggot. Colberts too obsessed with political hackery to be funny anymore, another comedian whos brain broke after DRUUUUUMMPF


Pretty cool how Colbert treats Colin like he's applying for a job!

Colbert talked about blowing up NY bridges.

I'm demanding he lose his job

Holy fuck, Colbert sucks. Gave Colin nothing there.

I especially liked when colon asked whatever that superficial question was, and Colbert sat in silence, then ridiculed him for giving a pop quiz. It was just a “yeah” type pointed question.




All those years performing comedy and he has no idea how to talk to a comedian on a comedy show, autistic Trevor Noah is funnier than this queer.

No teleprompter no laughs.

Its uncanny how absolutely devoid of humor and charm he is with this gig. He's just this uptight passive aggressive faggot who thinks he has some grand cultural mission. At least John Oliver attempts wacky voice inflections, how can anybody possibly enjoy this smarmy deadpan traitor to Catholicism?

They're both basically government mouthpieces. Noah is itching to suck satans cock the same way as Colbert

Colbert can be funny. The problem is that today he has to run everything through a filter lest he offend the woke audience he has cultivated.

If he could rift without fear of the outrage mob, he'd be great. This is the guy who did ambiguously gay duo, which was full of immature gay jokes that he'd be skewered for today.

It's not because he's un-comedic, he's evil as fuck.

What was that intro music, sounded like star wars cantina bullshit.


Colbert makes Opie seem like a good interviewer

Colbert makes Jim seem like a good interviewer.

Going from Colbert Report to this, is just like going from O&A 2007 to Jim & Sam 2019.

Quinn should've kept his mouth shut about the CK return set. I love CQ, but still.

Everyone on this sub who blow CK are embarrassing.

Shut up, fag

Jesus christ this sub changes its mind on a dime. Who cares? Louis CK is awesome and so is CQ, no need to pick a sides

"I'll let you come on my pathetic show if you come out against free speech." "Done!"

National treasure

jesus christ that fucking sucked. we should file a class-action character defamation lawsuit on colin’s behalf

imagine a talk show where the guest is encouraged not to talk

I watched this with earbuds, and I didn’t hear any groans. Just some odd, “should I clap” sounds.

Even Jimmy Fallon managed to give Colin a decent interview.

despite doing a few shitty Adam Sadler movies to make a quick buck, CQ has always been a self-sabotaging legend who refuses to sellout. it's one of many things to love about the old goat.

Colbert: Well what do you consider yourself Colin?

Colin: A comedian

Dead silence

great interview skills colbert you dumb chink

At least Jim does research on how the guest's parents died horribly.

Title should be: Faggot interviews non-faggot

As much as I love Colin, at this point joking about how few/many genders you think there are is about as worn out as people who joked about George W Bush being stupid, or Monica Lewinsky being a whore.

Imagine if this sub were still joking about how lame Flea was.

Reminded me of Carlin's illusion of choice bit.

I guess there's only so many ways you can make that point.

These faggots should be grateful Colin graced them with his glory

Colbert is such an unfunny cunt.

Jesus Christ OP, you are such an idiot if that's how you interpret any of this.

1: CQ didn't reference that there are too many genders, he said that there are too few political parties and used gender as his counter-point where there used to be 2 and now there's 15.

2: the crowd didn't groan, they laughed

3: the entire interview is full of awkward silences because Colbert is a shit interviewer and completely devoid of charisma

It’s so weird to watch Colbert now. Colbert Report he was really flexible and interesting in an interview. He looks like a robot trying to act human.

If you watch it from the start it's more noticeable. While it did get laughs from the crowd, there was a slight hesitation and a kind of "oh, come on!" from a portion of them. I can see how it seems like nothing after how I described it though.

That music intro was terrible

did nobody else catch this? cq suggested that democrat scandals might come out, then there's a long silence followed by colbert saying "ooh.... ohh................. you had a heart attack recently right?"

sneak mediamatters death threat

He's a real ass-dude.

Remember when Jon Stewart made fun of Dennis Kucinich for saying "trans" in like 2009

"Receives groans and awkward silence when he dares to make reference to there being too many genders."

No he didn't, the audience laughed. Not everything has to be turned into a political talking point, retard.

My favorite Social Studies teacher