The Oscars should be erased in the way Bugs did to Daffy on Looney Tunes.

9  2019-02-25 by Every1ShouldBKilled


The world is being overrun by nigger faggots. It’s the Jews fault.

Invest it all in hemp rope and Clorox

This guy so gay HIV trying to avoid his ass

The comment section when it comes to gays on World Star never disappoints.

I really want to see how this unfolds now that they are I longer giving blacks a pass for their homophobia. Your average group of black people will say shit about the queers that would make Mel Gibson blush.

I've been wondering when they were going to start going after blacks for their homophobia. They went after Kevin Hart, but that's been it so far, I think. A lot of people even deny that blacks are homophobic as fuck. I posted on another thread on Reddit that they're the worst (AKA best) with that shit and people were acting as if they didn't know wtf I was talking about.

I think it is because your average white liberal (redditor) doesn’t know any black people outside of maybe the token one that was in school with them and adopted by a white family. The media always portrays homophobes/racists/etc as a white man with a southern accent. Do you remember that mall security guy tased that black chick in Atlanta? That clip was at the top of r/videos and the comment section was full people shocked that her kids kept saying “dats why you gay”.

You're probably right. Black dudes don't even like joking about gay shit, they'll try to fight over it. And black women don't like gays because they're afraid of catching something from a "down low" brother. Not sure how Atlanta fits into all of this.

this nigga tryin to be the bride and the groom

There’s some gold in that comment section

"Nigga and gay, thats the worst thing that could happen to a men"

"Thank you Terry cruis, you and ceelo green"

"It's 2023 and the King of Atlanta arrives with his white queen cuck."

"MF think he princess toadstool. Lil Mario kart ass boy!"

"Somebody should’ve stepped on the back of that MF when his faggot ass tried to walk off"

Worldstar easily has the best comment section on the internet.

There's never enough attention for these fucking homos.

This monkey is 50 years old.

You mean blasted in the face with Elmer's shotgun?