Jimmy spent the first two minutes on Crowders stream wandering around his apartment because he didn't like the lighting

27  2019-02-25 by RelevantField2

What a faggot


Did he mention how "so fuckin' sexy, man" Lady Gaga is?

She’s got one of those nice meaty clits.

Whoa edgy.

She is hot, to be fair.

She looks trans. Which is why Jim likes her.

Nigga you gay

Crowder’s Conan-inspired bits with the lips moving on the celeb faces are fucking atrocious. I want to bite his face.

I fucking miss 90's, it's all ruined now.

I want Jimmy faggot Norton to give birth to 15 fully grown hedgehogs

He also said "transwomen" when it was obvious it was "trannies" that was at the tip of his tongue before he caught himself. Fucking homo.

You could've ended the title at Crowder's stream and he still would've looked like a huge faggot.

Thank you for the O&A related post. This sub is dying a painful death of memes and political horseshit