Funniest Lesbian Comedians of All Time (#18)

0  2019-02-25 by crookedmile


Where did Jim Norton rank?

Well the viking turned him down which hurt his rating. Where is the list of washed up people who will be killed during rough gay sex for not saying no homo?

Haha, Michael Moore is #17. Judy Gold should be higher than #24. She was alright on Tough Crowd usually. She's catch a lot of shit but didn't seem bothered by it and would talk shit back. Way funnier than stupid fucking Hannah Gadsby.

Haha, Michael Moore is #17

Up to #9 now. Nice work fellas

On what planet is Cameron Esposito funnier than Moms Mabley? I mean she's overall one of the least funny (and humorously-minded) people, but I figured even these idiots wouldn't be able to pretend she was funnier than a woman who was actually mildly funny and of course, checked off more diversity boxes

Dummies listed Sandra Bernhardt twice. Nice editing, stupid.