Artie Lange actually had a quick cameo in Saving Private Ryan.

358  2019-02-25 by RBuddCumia



Hey Garr I can't make it in today, my face got blown off at Omaha beach

"Mah can you make me some gabagool then drive to the store in a snow storm for some face ointment!? Mah!? Face Ointment!?"

This seen scared the shit out of me as a kid. Now Art’s face does the same thing now I’m in my twenties.

I'm still scared that fucking ghoul will ooze out from my window in my sleep.

Same, everything else was fine except for that guy, didnt help that my mates degenerate dad showed us a bunch of late 90's internet gore.

I bet there is a funny story about how Artie had to go pick up coke before rehearsals with his face blown off that he hasn't told a million times before.

" so it was June 1944 and I was doing this gig in normandy, France....."

Meth is a great drug if you want to go back in time to D-Day and walk to Normandy.

jimmy this time

"there were no direct flights so these SCCUUUUUMMMBAGGGSSS over at the Air Force motherfuccckeed me and I had to jump out of a fucking plane, this is after our flight got delayed 24 hours because of some rain and fog"

Yeah, his nose wasn't nearly as bad back then.

Hey Herm - you ain't The Fuhrer. you just just run for The Fuhrer I fear nothing

Let's hope they meet the same fate.

that's a fanny

He'd tweet 5 pics from difference angles while smoking a cig to show how much he just doesn't care !!

He looks great here!

He's going to need some advil.


Not my best.


Does anybody remember that war where British soldiers ran away like bitches, ooh the big mean Germans are coming! The Americans had to come save them, AGAIN!

Skip history class, stupid?


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Who's Artie Lange? This is Kelly Clarkson

What did he play, a pillbox?