Unfunny, loud, usually shirtless hack comedian made it into a mediocre video game.

0  2019-02-24 by Diarrheachino


Scorch? Don't be so mean, brotherman.

No.. Burt "The Machine" Fuckface(I dont know his last name)

It’s Chrysler or some shit

Watching this game be the end of Bioware is beautiful.

Yeah and their handling criticism like Ant after the big Jay roast

Look at them "owning it.": https://gyazo.com/dc58095adc17ab0ebebf4580bbd0ffa0

EA really does remind me of Ant. Consistently failing to deliver and so caught up in their own ego that they think their genuinely loathsome qualities are just "cute quirks."

Actually, Ant reminds me more of Bethesda, and Fo76 is Compound Media.

Any Bethesda release is more playable and less buggy than the compound media app