A California afternoon in 1975

73  2019-02-24 by pashow84


Jeeb jeeeb jeeeeb jeeeeeb

There's a porch behind that tree where a little Yimbo Nortonstein got mouth-raped by an effeminate boy. It's where his love of traps came from, didntchaknow.

Master of karate, and friendship, for everyone.

I bet Richard was straight until he got into that tree fort with mouth raper cumia

In reality he was the one offered and the other dude beat him up and tell him to get hi faggy ass out of here

I thought this happened to Opie

No, Opie ran into a tree to get away from sex.

Nice futuristic truck, stupid/

I got a fag on my treehouse!

I gotta dick in my mouth

I'm cumming you dumb bitch

Does anyone actually believe that a depraved lust filled kid like Anthony actually turned down a blowjob?

pffftt as if the tunisian knife fighter could make anybody gag