
10  2019-02-24 by siposip


Woah, they have gang nicknames like "Scum" and Bomber?! So rad!

lol even Nazi skinhead gangs gotta be diverse in 2019.

Incidentally, its written & directed by Adebisi.

Actually it's based on his own life

That's amazing.

To be fair, this is autobiographical. Adebisi really lived like that growing up.

Back in the 80's and 90's dudes were allowed to rock their skinhead apparel/costume in high school. No one gave a shit. I suppose it would be problematic in this day and age- with the triggered faggot population. The high school was like 30% Jewish and they never said a peep about it.

YAWN! This is a story that is so played out. What is this like the 14th movie about a Nigerian immigrant becoming the leader of a white racist gang? Pass..

Adebisi is one of the good ones.