Tell him to BEHAVE!

38  2019-02-24 by RBuddCumia


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Go fuck your mother, faggot nigger bot.


junkies always quick to give unsolicited advice

tell us the dealers you snitched on Artie


He ain't the man.

he runs for him, though.

They think they have learned lessons they can share. The lesson is to be smart enough not to be a fucking junkie in the first place.

this dude isnt even saying “dont do drugs” hes basically saying “dont drugs till your nose falls off”

no shit artie

Young people have been telling Artie this for years.

Wouldn't surprise me if the rumor about him stealing 200 000+ from Norm is true. Artie seems like the kind of guy who's loyal to no one.

Fuck you, Artie.

It only took it until age 50 to learn something I learned when I was 19.

Jim Norton?

That fat flakey faggot sounds just like Prison Mike-

"And from me, Prison ~Mike~~ Artie, to you, I just wanna thank you for reasing my tweet spam. And letting me be a part of your life today. 'Cause you got a good life! YOu got a good life. A good life."

One time on stern Artie said he just wasn't interested in a long life and that's why he did whatever he wanted and I sorta respected that because at least he was being honest about it

That was Mantle's whole MO too, problem being, sometimes these fucks live well past what is even within comprehension and just become a burden

Are you putting that shit on hamburders? Get it?

Thanks for the newsflash, stupid. This is what your fans have been telling you for 20 years, shitdick.

Woah, maybe I won't do heroin now that my role model, artie lange has suggested not to.

That's good advice for addicts artie, as he makes no attempt to follow that advice

Sounds like he nose whats he's talking about boo