Colin vs Louis: It’s tiresome to have to “stand up for each individual comic when, some of them, you don’t even like them personally, never mind their act.” He pumps his hand in a gesture that makes it clear he’s referring to Louis C.K.

41  2019-02-24 by WannabePodcastar


Louis wields his self-imposed superiority over the likes of Blobby & The Worm, but CQ is impervious to this kind of douchebaggery.

I always hated his parenting lectures. Your daughter dresses like a bum, she has 6 opinions and you can see them all in button form placed on her calculated thrift store outfit

always some fucking gay message about the beauty of life. Make us laugh you fucking wannabe philosopher throws half full cup of coke at the stage

Hey! That was good coke.

Being admired by The Worm versus Seinfeld’s your bitch

Standing Up to the Comedy Scolds

Decluttered version of this WSJ's article archived on February 22, 2019 can be viewed on

I like Colin, but what is he doing?

His beard works for Seth Myers

All he's saying is that he doesn't like Louis and doesn't like having to defend him. He's not saying Louis should stop.

Way not to get the bit, stupid.

Nice timestamp, stupid

I told u where it was in the clip, stupid.

I apologize for not remembering every line of a defunct radio show. Also thank you for the clip.

thaaaaaaank you

Expressing his personal opinion

I can't tell you the level of fury I felt...hearing this, this back-alley, Tunisian knife if I'm pushing Jerry's car for fun & proper...

Fun and profit you dunce

First off, hurtful.

Second - I really am a shithead.

I always thought he was saying "for fun & proper" - like it was some old timey, turn of the century phrase that only a hilarious weirdo like Colin would know.

if colin really said 'too soon' about louis then colin needs to shut the fuck up

im going to believe this is fake

I don't like how much the writer of this article is editorializing quotes from Colin. It makes it look worse than it is. But he probably did say that. I agree, as much as I love Colin, Louie could have come back whenever the fuck he wanted. He waited as long as he did by his own choice. He hasn't been convicted of a crime - it's a self-imposed punishment. It's like people don't realize he could've done a show the day after the NYT article.

Since there was no sentencing, people would have said it was "too soon" no matter how long he waited.

I don’t think Colin and Louie ever liked each other, or they were at least neutral.

"Like you're such an Irish faggot AIDS nigger, like you should be raped anally to death by a faggot AIDS nigger dick.

"Well, hrmph, ya know, you look like a Botswanian chair salesman, harmph nypmph humph."

And none of the comedy cellar crowd liked Jim.

Nobody likes Jim, puriod

Alena liked him. Then Jim ran out of chaturbate tokens.

I always got the impression that Alena only tolerated Jim for his money. Why the fuck would he even consider proposing to a lukewarm prostitute?

I love Colin, but Louie's standup has always been infinitely funnier than his.

But Louie's stand up is incredibly mediocre at best. Can anyone name an A+ comedy special Louie's done with all his content? Even Elephant in the Room is anything Louie's put out.

I liked Louis's hilarious special more than Patrice's elephant in the room, but everyone has there own taste

Shameless might be the best comedy special ever made.

Name the 25 hours, you absolute dunce

Colin is the best.

weird. louis did put CQ in Horace & Pete right before #metoo happened. idk. maybe the cellar people are just tired of having to hear about him every night. after all the jew who owns the place started out saying louis was welcome onstage any time & immediately retracted that statement once the place started getting so much anti-louis attention. i can see how it would be annoying to cause a spectacle every time he feels like doing a few minutes.

I love Louie but I also hate him. It's a tough one man. He has that bit where he brags about not having a tv and not letting his kids ever watch tv. It's so annoying. Like "Oh you don't let your kids watch that thing that made you a millionaire?" Fuck off.

Louis isn't a comedian, he panders so old faggot losers like you guys can relate to him and young faggot millenials think he has wisdom.

He stole Seinfeld's "what's the deal with airlines" and switched it to "why do people act like they have to deal with the miracle of flight".

I'm glad his daughters will grow up thinking consent doesn't exist.

Just remember that GQ photoshoot that wasn't ironic at all you angry old faggot hovering right over the downvote button

Who is this angry young go-getter?

He sure is rousing a lot of rabbles over there, isn't he?

Now that I think of it, Colin and Louie never once crossed paths on the old O&A. Maybe the Patrice memorial show where everybody was throwing around broooodal insults, but even then I’m pretty sure they didn’t interact once.

Louie was on tough crowd a couple times. It was kind of before he was all that funny though.

They were both on the Patrice show, but I think Colin left shortly after Louie entered the studio.

This writer has no grasp on what anti-comedy is.

anti-comedy is a made up phrase that doesn't indicate anything in reality

Look gang I know we are all in with Lou these days but let's not forget what an insufferable ass he was in his prime fame years

This doesn't speak well for CQ, and I love the guy.

Do I have to pirate news articles now? Is there a pirate bay for journalism?

What's the hand gesture?

He pumps his hand in a gesture that makes it clear he’s referring to Louis C.K.

I don't think this is necessarily correct - this writer just found a way to link what Colin was saying to a hot topic.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I can't think of a signature Louis CK hand pump.

The writer is suggesting it's a jacking off gesture if you aren't getting that.

I'm quite a sheltered person

Maybe he meant Aziz Ansari, because he's such a jerkoff

I'm guessing he means the jerk off sign, still a stretch

Idiots. He made the whacking off motion ("hand pump") to indicate Louis

Was Louis caught whacking off?

  • I can get behind the "hackery" that Colin outlines, in that I believe he meant that the 80's and 90's had too many "shocking' comedians raising the "shock" ante with each other, with no substance. Joe Blow gets burnt out on that kind of stuff, to the point where they unfairly start hating comedy, in general, because of it. So you do need to clean house and get the hacks out, but you don't need to drop an ocean on a couple of house fires, or you get the instance of - as he says - the rabbit now having the gun. "Oppressed" can become the Oppressor SO QUICKLY, that you can't even believe it, but the problem is much worse than Colin is giving it credit for, or maybe than he understands (giving CQ the benefit of the doubt)...

  • Colin is trying to find the neutral, classy route in dealing with the Louis CK situation: Will defend him as a comic but not as a person. Trying to defend him as a person requires much more free space to unpack your ideas, which CQ knows he's not gonna get from the cock-sucking parasites at WSJ. However, CQ is a rare FAGGOT in this instance, for acting like it was Louis' fault for "coming back too soon (?)". CK's set is soon-to-be a watershed moment in the annals of Political Correctness history, and I don't think CQ gets that: If the MSM gets Nanette as its "moment", then everyone else get's CK's return/Parkland set. CQ was being faggy in this instance, but I think this sub (or at least I can) let him slide on this, because he's still on the side of anti-PC/Gadsby comedy, and it is Colin after all...

  • Let's not mince words either: Colin can laugh it off, but the man is JUST AS AFRAID as any other comic. A Wi-Fi connection could ruin his career, and he obviously knows this. If his friendship ends with Jerry for whatever reason; then he's in a bad fucking spot here, Franky. He doesn't have the level of clout CK had before the fallout. The kids coming up in comedy now barely know him. The ones that do? CQ doesn't do anything for them: The Kevin Hart's/PewDiePie's/TikTok fags of the world do. And maybe he's too old to try to reach them at this point. So having to placate to the devil (PC) however slightly, if he's doing that here at all, is a necessary move to make at this point if he still wants to have a career. He's going to defend AGAINST the PC outlines and agents in comedy, but he's not going to completely stick his neck out. Or at most: He's conflicted about it.

Take more Adderall, stupid.

This posts reminds me why i quit doing meth

Rich Vos is appearing at the Chuckle Hut March 8th and 9th, tickets at the door.

Colin just hates the whole “comic community” bullshit

Someone very high up is trying to tear this sub apart. Don’t fall for it brothers

There's a lotta "Mr. Quinn"s in that article if you ask me.


So where does Mr. Quinn fall on the political spectrum? “I think of myself as a radical moderate.” By which he means? “Being moderate is radical,” because these days “people are all [expletive] extremists.” The idea that you could agree with a political party on every issue “seems bizarre to me.” But Mr. Quinn the moderate acknowledges one distinction between left and right: “Most of the censorship for the last 200 years came from the right in this country, and for the last 40 years, most of it comes from the left.”

Can political comedy be funny? Yes, he says, “if you admit and acknowledge that you’re pursuing an agenda.” If the audience is in on the joke, “then it can be funny.” But anyone who looks at politics and “sees pure good and evil, I would shy away from how funny they can be. Because being rigid, being a zealot, a fanatic—whatever you want to call it—like, that, to me, is usually not the funny people in the room.”

Is Mr. Quinn worried that the mob will come for him one day? He’s been doing stand-up and appearing on television for 35 years. There’s bound to be something in the archives to unleash the lacerating fury of the extremists he so despises. “If they wanted to get me, it would take nothing,” he shrugs. “All you would need is Wi-Fi.”

He leans back and laughs.

louis really is a smug faggot

I like the point about the french revolution. These pink haired blue check marks are total fucking jacobins

I hope so.

Colin is overall cooler than Louis and I'll never forgive the latter for his Hillary devotion, but Colin's standup is pretty terrible.

Nobody is clamoring for leaked cellphone footage of Colin's latest jokes. Let's be real.


“Long Story Short” is better than anything Louis has ever done, said, or dreamt about in the privacy of his own him.

You can't seriously believe that.

It must be tough for a comic to defend a guy who catered to the very people who ruined comedy.

I love the comedy of both Louis and Colin, but as people, one is a saint and one is an asshole. I’m a bit surprised by Col’s take, but I think it’s a case of him getting on a roll and not censoring himself better.


It could be that Colin is just being a bit of a dismissive cunt as a joke, but if we are gonna talk about sets people being sanctamonious, Colin's entire professional career is being pretentious and talking down to people. His first but special was him trying to summarize human history, imagine anyone else doing some stuffy fag shit like that and getting away with it. We all like Colin for his O&A appearances where he was self deprecating and brutal and absolutely none of that is in his act.

Tbh, he was pretty bad on Weekend Update.

Gotta feeling that Louis is gonna come back 2pac hit ‘em up style the more these pretentious faux artistes shit on him, mostly out of self-hatred because he wishes he was still one of them but was ultimately rejected

Colin still has a lot of that Catholic guilt. I know he gets annoyed at Catholic/Christian related jokes. I think he has a puritanical side to him, so when Louie says that he's blowing demons in hell, perhaps he finds it perturbing. CQ is just a sweet old man at heart.

Who is this angry young go-getter?

He sure is rousing a lot of rabbles over there, isn't he?

Nice timestamp, stupid


“Long Story Short” is better than anything Louis has ever done, said, or dreamt about in the privacy of his own him.

I apologize for not remembering every line of a defunct radio show. Also thank you for the clip.