Who here has watched the "Chip Chipperson Podacast" and then stopped eventually

54  2019-02-24 by iloveoanda2

Not out of the shaming here brought on by ironic opie praise, not out of the repetition and destruction of a character that was good every 1 minute per hour, not even out of the realization that Jim was a complete fraud(though this essentially happened after everyone stopped watching/ "worm has turned")

It was awful, his numbers were good, and Jim sucks and killed it so now he bleeds the thing out like a true wormy leech.

Even Sam filming chip at a comic-con was worthy of watching, Jim is absolutely void of what really entertains people, but also he's become a bigger fag than before so it was inevitable


Same bro


feels bad for who though?

I'm happily converted into Norton hate. Not as strong a religion as the BroJoes but just as fulfilling when our faggot does something gay as fuck to answer our prayers

Brojoe hate is hilarious and good for the soul. Norton’s life is far more depressing and fucking with him just makes me feel sad☹️ he’s just so bland

Like Jesus but the opposite

We could argue Jim is the Anti-Christ


Chip was great when people became uncomfortable or angry. It's fucking stupid without a victim.

Chip evolved.



I admit, I watched the first 10-20 episodes. I actually thought they were funny too back then. But, then I realized it was a dogshit baby noises based Podcast and I don't give a care!

Same and I should be shot for thinking it was funny.

It got unbelievably old, unbelievably fast.

i think its very believable


i tried to watch 1 episode, within 20 minutes i couldn't take anymore and never watched again, norton's prop using pain in the ass character is beyond annoying

I liked the first 20 or so Chip breaks character compilations and then realized all the jokes were gonna be the same.

I watched a few and actually liked the one he did out in LA with those dumb chicks, but it’s been beaten into the ground. It should have stayed a character that he did to unsuspecting guests for a few minutes once a month on the radio show. Not an hour show every week with people in on the bit but pretending (Ant, Sam, other comics)

I have the attitude that someone from the Sub is watching it. And if anything worthwhile happened. It will be posted here.

It was stupid and low quality from the beginning, at the same time I liked that show up until Lauren leaving. I think the majority of this sub was watching just to get the latest chin screen grabs first.

Lauren and her skyscraper chin were looking good back then.

She's been makin coin this winter as a snowplow

Haven’t watched it in many months. I don’t know why I ever fucking watched it.

It's a tough one, it's great. The obvious issues with my career and being friends with a known pedophile, it's a real motherficker.

Is Mary Jean late?

I have a fetish for grotesquely elongated chins, so the show really dropped off for me at one point.

Podcasts are for retarded faggots.

I’ve never watched anything besides O/A. Even then I’ve only listened to the dates which have Louis CK or Jim Jefferies on.

Chip is the equal to youtuber hack comedy that little kids watch.

I think I caught the first maybe 3 or 4 and then just stopped. I didn't have a sudden realization it was shit or anything, I had just forgotten it was a thing he was doing after a while.

I don't understand why it's a weekly thing.

5 or 6 episodes then just couldn't take it. I really loved the big ball of paint guy phone call that was funny as shit

If anyone watched more than five minutes of that shit you should off yourself

I watched from the beginning and enjoyed the first few with Colin and Bobby being outright sickened by the Worm's new show.

If it's recommended to me now, I'll click on it to dislike and cringe at the faggy comments

I only watched the animated short of Chip pulling pranks while Anthony and Lauren look on

I could never make it through more than 15 minutes at a time without getting bored. How he expects to sustain that thing in perpetuity is beyond me.

I was on board for about 7 episodes. It sucks. Its mostly Jim shouting and doing the same jokes over and over.

And Ant ha ha holy shitting right behind it

I still don't get why Chip would wear all those dumb outfits and wigs, it makes no sense for the character. And as a podcast it would work if it was a show he dropped every other month so people could get excited about it, but he put all his eggs in that basket and overkill kicked in fast.

Jim will never have mainstream appeal. Even in this new world of carnival freaks we all applaud now.

a lot of people if you look at his declining view count.

I'll still listen if Mark Normand is on, but it's very boring. Doesn't help that Sam is always there to make it even worse

Stopped when Jim started using it for picking up Luis ‘s ex cunt. Filled it with holes , now that Ant does the show so little

Yep. Tapped out around last November. Same shit every episode.

It was fine until the live show and then nose dived in quality.

I stopped after #15 or so.

The 4th or 5th one with Colin was truly hilarious to me. He did it in a way where "Chip" wasn't screaming like a fucking maniac for an hour. Was him going back n forth with 2 people.

Without having to yell - like louder delivery somehow makes it funnier.

There were 3ppl in studio - not 12. A few weeks ago I saw a clip and he must've had 9ppl jammed in. It was a hectic, boring disaster.

Like most things Jim has done in his career outside of standup- he needs guidance. He can't be the point man. He doesn't understand what works.

But it really turned into a pile of shit. Although - you can make argument that something like a "Chip Podcast" should have never went more than 30 episodes.

I watched a few. There was a great one with Bobby Kelly and ant that had some great bashing in it reminiscent of the old o and a days, but that was about it for anything good

I watched for a bit. The beginning was the closest thing to getting old funny Anthony and Jimny we were gonna get. Then it got unbearable when he started cycling porn chicks and trannies through. I bought cheap tickets to one of the live ones but I hadn't seen it in awhile leading up to the taping. Ten minutes in I thought "I would've turned this shit off already" and haven't listened since. I also realized I hate Norton's fans more than I do Norton.

Chip was never funny. Edgar was never funny. The only characters that were ever funny were Ted Sheckler and Uncle Paul. And Uncle Paul got overused.

Even when I was a homo chip fan i only got through about 3 episodes. Horrible. Nawt funny.

Same and I should be shot for thinking it was funny.

It got unbelievably old, unbelievably fast.
