What a good girl.

136  2019-02-24 by RBuddCumia


Me so funny

Ant killing it

Her personalized license plate reads: "TRYS2HRD".


You're not funny, just do porn while you still can, dumb gook.

Fisting your life away.

You spelled gook wrong

Weird thumbs. They look like she makes a lot of soup.

I bet she has an Asian-who-can't-tell-Asians-apart bit.

Somehow the picture made me gay enough to hate her earrings.

Browsing through her photos, you realize she’s just an ordinary Asian girl. Take away that makeup and those filters and she’s tending to the flowers in front of her parent’s grocery store. Take away her passport and she’s trying and failing to land a GI to help her start a new life.

flat faces, those ones. Very unappealing

I prefer rice niggers as a matter of course, and I certainly wouldn’t kick her out of bed, but we exaggerate her looks around these parts.

how can you tell any one of them apart from another

The only cute Asians are Koreans and japs so it’s pretty easy

She's a good girl who needs seeding.

Korea is nicer that the US now. Us stupid Americans pay to protect them so they don’t have to spend anything on a military. Their money goes to infrastructure and economic development instead.

Korea has 10th highest military spending and they pay for the US troops to stay there.

But no because that's not what I baselessly just assume for no reason.

As a % of GDP, they pay very little. You can’t just look at total spending, it needs to be in relation to the size of the economy.


They are still way above the magical 2% NATO line.


Well you got one thing right. You stoopid.

I hate women.

How can you not?

Tryin' to make her eyes not look like slits

This is way better than Jim’s stupid being naked on his book cover/ special poster. I find it reasonably humorous.


I don’t know where the Esther hate is coming from all of a sudden. Is because everyone loves Opie now, and she’s consistently put him on blast over and over again in the past?

It's because she's an unfunny cunt, but that might have catalysed the reaction.

Another brilliant comedian who looks down at civilians. Hope she steps it up and uses the mic cord to go full Brody!

Is that supposed to be a gang fuck?

You gotta stop feeding Belvedere

Why have't any of you perverts photoshopped dicks for the microphones yet?

I remember, in her eternal effort to brand herself as a slutty ukulele comic, she talked about how her pussy is always wet and drippy and she totally has to masturbate eleventy times a day because of persistent arousal syndrome you guys. She meant it to be a sexy humblebrag but now every time I see her all I can think about is the chaffed, yeasty raw rot between her legs. Having a body part wet all the time isn't a good thing. It's just a way for her to get trenchfoot of the cunt.

Pretty sure “Trenchcunt” is her actual name- changed it cuz showbiz

Jamie, pull up a picture of Esther’s delicious ass.

Every podcast she's on she just talks about how she likes the smell of her own farts. This chicks whacky

I thought it was a pretty funny pic when I saw it, and figured the sub would at least appreciate the fact that she's ballsy enough to post such an obvious image of ber being gangbanged for a laugh, running mascara and all. You guys are weird sometimes with how you turn on people on a dime.

I want to hit that slope.

pure Asian goddesses

this seems like the kind of girl you'd marry immediately. an absolute keeper

You can really see how thick the makeup and foundation are in this pic.

I prefer mainlander and islanders Asians not jungle.