Artie, you're weak, you're out of control, and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everyone else.

87  2019-02-23 by HomeRunCumia_Deux


When I came to open up the Bing one morning, there you were with your head half in the toilet, your hair was in the toilet water... Disgusting.

I told you I had the flu.

I’ve said my piece, Artie.

Hey Silvio, it's Artie. I can't make it in today, i'm sick as a dog, I got a fever... (cough)

I've said my piece, Chrissy.

Best line from entire series.

There you were sitting in the utility closet cutting a steak, green beans all over the table...disgusting.

I just rewatched that episode, his delivery of that line may have been the best in the series.

One of the funniest parts of the series

I laughed hysterically at this one


you fucking queers with the chair is up there


Nobody's got AIDS.

And I don't evah wanna hear that word again.

what the fuck you doin fuckin around in nyack?

My favorite part is when the guy doing the intervention is talking to everyone, without Chris there, and he says "I'm an alcoholic, and addict", then Paulie says "and don't forget scumbag".

"You're the guy who stole those pork loins from Stew Leonard's."

What was it barking?

Possibly the greatest character in the history of television/film. Absolute psychopathic mess of a man.

Recently rewatched the series and it bothered me how they shuffled characters like Paulie to the background until the very last season. They kept introducing others and writing them off and we had 5 seasons of pissing in the wind. Sil got absolutely nothing until the last season too.

Chris’ death annoyed me the most.

Watching it all back to back really shows how they focused so hard on Chris for the first few seasons and at some point they just recast him as the guy who chimes in with retarded points who hates Tony for no real reason. He faded into the background hard, and the end of that arc was fucked up.

"Where's my arc Paulie?"

noah had an arc

I said but that mufflers under warran tee