I'm Anthony's musically talent brother AMA Reddittards

35  2019-02-23 by joecumia

Ask me anything you libtards. If you want to fuck with me then give me your info.

Proof: https://m.imgur.com/a/TcArDkm.png


How many pounds of potatoes can you peel in a hour?

With or without kid spit?

With Jenkem

Did you really stick a rotisserie chicken up your ass?

No I don't troll.

Have you ever?


When did Bro Joe Inc. start doing PR for Vos? Times tough, new markets?

He needs the help, trust me.

I agree, Bananas is always tough. But you're not really a magnet for succes. More like the opposite.

You also don't handle yourself well in public. Let alone when failure meets you. That seems to be a reccuring theme (failure) with your hobby.

What's the deal with the kid spit?

It's the secret to my amazing guitar playing.

Does Carols pussy smell like a wet racoon corpse or a musty basement?

How dare you. First one.

will you be the face of my new charity:

The Juvenile Xerostomia Foundation


Your imgur link is 404'd retard

Imgerr can be easily manipulated. Your honor.

Why were your eyes closed in that pic of you in sunglasses?

Because fuck you that's why.

Fair enough. Second question: what are plastic bag conventions like?

Do you really believe you are 50% responsible for Anthony's success?

Yes, without me O&A would have never existed.

You're a faggot retard Joe

Thanks for not calling me a white supremacist.

You can enter contracts, right?

There’s a third Cumia brother???

You spelled untalented wrong, stupid

Where's your tribute band fuck head? Want to fight?

Hey big fan! What’s your opinion on the discovery of the Higgs Boson? Shit’s over my head but maybe a scholar such as yourself could explain it in a way that a dummy like me can comprehend.

How much girth can a guy have before he can't fit in your mouth/ass?

How come you back out of every fight you've been offered?

I don't fight with animals.

What does Dawns pussy smell like?

I gotta ask, who initiated sex with dawn first, you or your father. It certainly wasn’t that Nancy boy Anthony.

I think you were trying to say "musically talented" - stupid fuck

I just want to tell you that I hate you.

Are you a pedophile? You have yet to be clear about that.

What does kid dick taste like?

Why did you and AntH pop all your zits with a .22