Reminder: Patrice told Jim and Ant they were getting cucked by their women for ages, but they didn't listen.

14  2019-02-23 by VisiblePlan


remember when patrice was yelling at anthony about raising bitches correctly and opie made them both stop so he could play clips from 'beauty and the geek'

patrice could have saved ant

Anthony is a pedophile. He was beyond therapy from an affable black acquaintance he saw three times a year.

patrice did 200 four hour episodes

They weren't friends.

weird, they seemed to have the best chemistry in the room

Opie was moving on. He knew Anthony was beyond all hope

Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

The plank being Von, of course.

So what? That von cucked Patrice? After he was dead, sure, shes a soulless ho but he acknowledged that. Im curious what your getting at here.

Lol they had an open relationship in that Von opened her legs for other dudes and Patrice opened his wallet.

Are you refering to them swinging? And opened his wallet how? Like he bought her shit sometimes?

The bitch was a poor ho and he was a diabetic with cerain sexual proclivities. Give the nigga a break you fuckin elitist.

Pot calling the kettle a nigger huh?

You really think von wasn't constantly cheating on patrice?

Yeah, cuz Patrice made it clear that Von meant nothing to him.

Yeah because people typically spend many years with a person, even raising that persons kid as their own, when they mean nothing to them.

They had what sexual degenerates refer to as an "open relationship."

And in their case Patrice was definitely the one getting less on the side. Look your big goofy imaginary black friend was a scared little boy underneath the ceaseless bravado. It’s ok dude you don’t need to reject reality- he isn’t worth it.

Hey faggot, I actually agreed til you sperged out like I'm one of his super fans. Nigga get the bee out of your bonnet.

Oh no does this mean you aren’t on my side anymore?

Nope. You really blew it.

weird, they seemed to have the best chemistry in the room