I think Ricky Gervais may need to put out a restraining order on Roland

10  2019-02-23 by Dennyislife


Why, he's promoting Ricky's show.

I think Ricky has got it.

fuck ricky's lost the plot, i thought life's too short was alright but derek was abysmal, he's just doubling down on that soppy shite

The office had 'soppy' themes but wasn't layed on as thick as the utter dreck that was Derek.

He gets the derek pilot taken down as its clear he was mocking Derek for being a retard. He's a character he had for years. He released the demo as a video podcast around the time of extras.

yup in one of his standups he takes the piss out of autograph hunters and makes himself look EXACTLY like Derek.

"now back to handsome" lol, ricky was quick and funny, don't know why he's resting on his laurels , derek was mental, he used to make fun of those shitty montages with coldplay in the background yet done the same thing

Roland needs to die from ass cancer.