Trying to find a clip where Jim Norton yells at Lady Di for being an alcoholic

0  2019-02-22 by ImRetardedForRealz

I remember a clip where Norton really told Lady Di to get her shit together and ripped into her for like 30+ mins. Was harsh but deserved. Anyone able to find it?


Intern week when she was puking in the sink and shit herself?

No, but that was classic as well. She called in and Norton just went off

Saw one comment where somebody speculated that they put laxatives in her coffee to generate that content...if you listen to the audio, they keep egging her on to drink the coffee

Laxatives are no joke. I couldn’t leave the house for 3 days. Asshole was raw.

I suspect your raw asshole is completely unrelated to laxatives.

Your suspicions are wrong sir.

it's MA'AM

Squirting over Colin Quinn was the best


Di had a clear emission in her pants one time.


Oh please. Did Lady Di being an alcoholic almost make Jimmy relapse and use mouthwash? Fuck that faggot ass worm.

I remember his rant starting off with “why don’t you knock it off already?” It’s a good one but I don’t remember what episode it was. Maybe the Crown Chicken incident?

It might have been the robbery incident lol. I just remember Jim saying "You've had your fill!" , it was like 8AM her time and she was already drinking multiple natty ice's

Oh, I remember this one.

He was harsh but at least it worked. She's now clean and sober and making 6 figures a year.

Dumb Jim should think about saying the exact same shit to ant considering he's as big if not an even bigger alcoholic than Lady Di ever was.

Ironically Ant did the same

I remember one episode when she was on the porch and yelling at a squirrel, and was hoping to find it.

I did find one from 2006 where she calls in to shoot the shit, and after about 5 minutes, they're asking her about blowing hobos, and being a terrible mother.

Actually, I've been listening to 10 minutes, and I think this might actually be the one you're looking for.

Wow, this is definitely it! I don't know how to thank someone on this sub without sounding like a faggot

So thank you..... ya fuckin piece-uh-gawbage


I still laugh at drunken slob reference

I suspect your raw asshole is completely unrelated to laxatives.