MDE fags can not take responsibility for the shitty lives they lead, so they just blame it on jews and blacks. They are failures in every regard and it hurts less if they pretend it's someone else's fault instead of their own.

0  2019-02-22 by Virginia_Beach


I don’t know dude I think triple parentheses are the epitome of hilarious. I mean, jews! hahahaha oh good heavens

It's so brave of them to write kike and nigger on an anonymous website, too. Modern day warriors!

This is true. Compare to black people: generally black people never blame anyone else for their failings.

to be fair everyone here stinks now

half the long posts i expect to be a vos plug

Everybody here has always stunk, stupid

Jews and Asians are the only minorities who take responsibility and also the only ones who earn more than white males in the US.

This again?

You're exactly who this thread is about, MDE fag.

I never watched MDE or any hyde related thing, but I don't buy the insistent claim that the sub has been flooded with them, either.

That's a lot of shit to put on 14 year olds, but you're right.

Da jew be holdin us down and sheeit

hitler a good boy he dint do nuffin wrong

You'll never see people who've been successful in life act like these children.

Oh no, the MDE fags are in full force down-voting your comments!

Oh no, you are a whiny faggot

i thought i would be more sad when this sub died but nope

This sub is about to get some major CPR when Joe releases the 2nd iteration of his podcast. It's not going anywhere yet.

learn how to write a joke

Shut up, Sam Hyde fag.


Thanks for commenting, now I get to block you for creating stupid FAGGOT posts. Bye, MDE Fag.

Sup Hormel_Coffee

Why don’t you go post this garbage on their sub

You can say the same thing about them posting their garbage in this sub.

There have been more faggots like you than people posting MDE shit. There is 5 fags crying to every 1 MDE poster

Oh, you're an MDE fag. Cool, blocking you now. Rocco taught me a cool trick.

Yeah go make another post about a non existent group here

Ever met a real Nazi? Like actual German Nazi? Theyd laugh at those modern day larpers. Or cry.

Now those were real men

I didn't think of it like that back then. More that they didn't fuck around or waste time on fantasies. The ones I met were giving lectures to our people prior to deployment in the 80s

There’s 75 Jussie thread per hour. Like 2 of them are tying to be funny versus the other 73 just going hurrr nigger faggot jew.

What does that have to do with MDE? Nothing, you are just a faggot wanting to cry over words

Because those are the people making those threads? Don’t be willfully obtuse, faggot. Your pagan viking ancestors are looking down on you in shame!

Oh you’ve even going through the post history of every one of them? Quit lying and just admit you get triggered over people saying nigger, MDE has zero to do with it.

When people are genuinely making eugenics arguments and talking about crime statistics, I can make a pretty educated guess. If I wanted to hear that horseshit, I’d subscribe to CP media.

I mean I agree, I don’t want to see that shit either cuz it’s boring. But it still doesn’t have anything to do with MDE, if you saw how their sub was then you’d be thanking god ours isn’t like that

Well I feel like you and I are in a good place now so we should kiss.

jussie mocking

insults against minorities holmes

joe threads

insults against racism and drumpf supporters

this is literally how they view it. This shit is so fucking hilarious knowing how FURIOUS they get when minorities and leftist celebs are mocked on the front page

this meta game has been the purpose of this sub since the great FAGGOT thread freak out of last week

One MDE poster is one too many.



can people stop spamming this shit?

Fuck you, Cumtown boy. You're exactly who I'm talking about.

I refused to be called that. I liked this program first. Are you like son 50 year old man or something?

Most of your posts are in r/policalhumor, nobody wants your unfunny ass around here. 0 references to da show, just edgelord alt right politics. White people are inferior, and all they do is obsess about it

no they're not, I got drunk the other night and was making fun of people on there. Go fuck yourself you weird O&A gate keeper. What is your goal here old man faggot?

gate keeper

Tell me where I post again please

I'll only make VOs posts from now on

oh sweety you're just mad about your life sweety blame the joos sweety

god I wish that sub was up just becasue of how hilariously they roasted this shit

gregg "opie" hughes is an active pedophile

leave it alone

What’s MDE even stand for?

I just learned that it's from a show called Million Dollar Extreme... they are fans of the now defunct show who are trying to take over the sub by making "FAGGOT", "NOT a FAGGOT", "NIGGER", "KIKE" threads They are essentially the people who marched at Charlottesville two years ago, or at least wanted to.

They saw that we joke around with minorities so they all flocked here after their sub was shut down. They're fucking losers who contribute zero to the sub in terms of comedy.

i dislike the parasitic mo of some Jews and blacks, but despise the mde faggots

Fuck off chapo faggot

One Question.when are the camps opening ?

You're exactly who this thread is about, MDE fag.

leave it alone