You know what dude, you got your 4G network capabilities, you got your emerging 5G cellular communications networks, BOOM its 6G. Next question

290  2019-02-22 by crookedmile


Love how the text and picture captures slight ''dismissiveness ''

dogs are so fuckin shmarmy dude, you get your rope and a tree and boom dude, it’s dead

Stay away from all sinks inside the White House.

His brow fat is starting to swallow his fucking eyes.

In a shocking turn of events, Nagel's Syndrome claims another victim.

She's Bobby 23 fats ago. Bobby still talks about how he's gonna get "ripped"... Try just making it to out of obese.

Try just making it to out of obese.

Or maybe just to plain old obese without the morbidity.




Old enough to maybe kiss you ;-)

This is an improvement


Would you rather have a crooked mishapen face like Sarah or morbidly obese like Bobby? You could at least lose the weight if you really tried

Bobby can't put effort into anything. That's why he has 100 people on his pod at once.

This is better than the usual gaze by ol' cockeyed SHS

Looks more like Louie Anderson

I would neva use the words “hands down” dude....


How dare you blemish our Sanders and first female president you scum!!?

How did I not see this?

Sarah Applebees