1  2019-02-22 by RoccoTheLoveMonkey2


Black people and white people make good looking baby whereas every jew makes a Sam Roberts looking child eating ghoul

This is the lamest shit I've ever heard you say, Pee.

I've said way gayer shit than this my friend

Black and white would get along fine if not for kike.

As much as I agree to an extent I wouldn't say all jews but the fact that you can't even bring up how most of the tops in media and politics have duel Israeli citizenship is fucking telling

Elite Marxist Jews in America that infest all organizations that generate heaps of income or heaps of influence.

Did Ben and his jewish family that grew up down the street from me in Brooklyn, who's father was a union plumber, have anything to do with this? no.

Not true at all

In the modern age? actually, very true. jew.

Jews don't turn blacks against whites, they merely organize situations where there are more blacks and native tales its course. No Jews made Mexicans hate Americans and whites, they are capable of that themselves. Jews just encourage them to flood in.

I’ve heard it explained time and time again straight from the kikes mouth.

Their explanation is that they’ve been so persecuted throughout history they need to be living in places where minorities have privilege and will push countries to observe as such. Their explanation for subversion is that it protects them from another holocaust.

It’s a catch 22 because people inevitably get tired of these schemes and then want to Holocaust them all.

A very common thing that has been repeated time and time again throughout history although you aren’t taught it in school. We’re just taught that that holocaust happened for no reason.

This is why I don't get why people are so opposed to saying this. Jews themselves admit to it. Major Jewish leaders and publications will say how they see all minorities and fringe groups as kindred spirits. They are permanently subversive.

The jew is a cancer on the earth

nice try, kike. Jews have been promoting their "muh immigrants" and jewiey ways in all media entertainment, academics, and news.

Kikes organize situations where they know things will go wrong on purpose. The kike will call for more immigrants from low iq countries because they cry and weep "muh diversity is our strength" but really they know its just gonna fuck everything up for basic white people.

I want everyone to see what the kike is, in TriangleDims. "oye vey we don't turns blacks against white we just organize situations where...."

shut the fuck up, jew. we know exactly what you are doing. Keep pushing.

nice try, kike. Jews have been promoting their "muh immigrants" and jewiey ways in all media entertainment, academics, and news.

Yeah, that's exactly what I said retard. They organize situations, they did not specifically brainwash people to dislike whites. They do that on their own.

Kikes organize situations where they know things will go wrong on purpose.

I want everyone to see what the kike is, in TriangleDims. "oye vey we don't turns blacks against white we just organize situations where...."

Why are you so angrily agreeing with me?

lol i dunno

100% true. We’d be much more segregated but also on much better terms. Multi culturalism is a lie. We’re not meant to be living in close proximity with other races of people like this. It never works.

We can work together with them from a distance and that’s fine. Let them have their own communities.

We didn’t even bring them over here. Look up who was in charge of the slave trade.

40% of Jewish households had slaves in America while only 2% of all white gentiles did? Look up who owned the slave ships.

this is why all yall can only have white friends lol you really ame up with an excuse for whites being unlikeable LMFAO wypipo smh

Please stop saying wypipo. Ok, great, thanks

Not when I see wypipo wypipo'ing

Are u a PoC?

It’s a meeting of the minds in here today boy. Are we just making up historical facts now?

I honestly think blacks and whites are the two best races. Not jews, not spics, not guidos, not chinks, not curry munching street shitters, not dune coons, not soviets or eastern europeans, just proper fuckin british descended white people and proper black people. All the best everything comes from these people. Yes they're the most prone to wind up shirtless on cops getting tazed, but they're also the most likely to be good at sports, music, comedy, or just be a dude you can just fucking hang out with. The other races are all alien soulless freaks. Blacks and whites should unite against the rest.

Black people are straight up retarded dude what the fuck are you talking about?

Black people are good at running and rhyming and that is literally it. They're not better at comedy, they're just louder and shameless about being goofy hacks. As a society we celebrate black mediocrity and have a gay infatuation with them and their cultural crayon doodles.


Yall really do congregate to circle jerk lol smh at all you wypipo


Listen black people got natural charisma.

All stupid people have charisma, dumb rednecks have charisma too.

What about you?

Yeah cause I'm smart thanks.

No no no, you see, I was calling you stupid without any charisma.

But here's the thing, you biffed it and complimented me and now you're stuck with it.


Imagine being old enough to have listened to O&A yet still not being intelligent enough to understand the Federal Reserve.

This comment feeds both sides.

Sheckle for the good goy

What you have just shown are the absolute worst of white society. Despite this, these people are less violent, less sexually abusive, and love their country far more than even your average black person.

angry nog downvote brigade, dassabesso

This sub is LIT rn(right now)

Here's the difference, most crime within the black community is black on black, which has no effect on white people. These white people want to inflict damage via violence or social repercussions towards black people. At least blacks are courteous enough to leave whitey out of it.

What kind of fag says "loves their country"?

Most interracial crime is black on white, I'm not referring to black on black crime. I am talking about the wildly disproportionate trend of blacks assaulting and raping whites.

You're so edgy by saying kike and nigger under an anonymous user name. All of you MDE fags are the same, boring children thinking you're men by trying to be outlandish with your silly little outbursts.

He's not trying to be "edgy", though. These are opinions that have been espoused for hundreds of years, not some internet trend that came from the MDE subreddit.

It's a fucking comedy sub, not some fucking bastion for you faggots to ramble on about why you hate jews and blacks. There are like 10 of you idiots on this sub and everybody else hates you except those in your little circle jerk.

Remember when you called that guy edgy for saying kike and nigger behind his aNoNyMoUs UsErNaMe and then called people fags in almost every comment you made after that?

Nice consistency, Mr. Beach.

Shut up, fatso.

Have some respect for People of Cola.

There are like 10 of you idiots on this sub and everybody else hates you except those in your little circle jerk.

They're using at least 50 alts too, maybe several hundred. Keep digging and you will crack this case

The only people who say "edgy" are homosexuals and women so thanks for answering my last question.

Answer your question? I'm not fucking here to answer your questions, MDE fag.

It's funny how you have no idea what I am talking about.

"Response number 13:"

That’s a nice fantasy you have. I was looking at the stats yesterday actually.

Black on white crime happens 3x as much volume as white on black crime. And blacks make up less than 15% of our population. Wrap your head around those numbers for a second. I’m not statistician but this shows that niggers commit crimes against whites at like a 1000% higher rate than whites against blacks.

I’d go as far to say, by the stats, white on black crime doesn’t really exist at all while black on white crime is definitely a problem.

Now what numbers are you looking at?

"I was looking at the stats yesterday actually."

LOL. What kind of fag looks up crime statistics?

It pertained to a discussion.

Therein lies the problem with you. You've been given one life to live and you've chosen to waste it by obsessing over black crime statistics and Jewish control of the media. It's a pathetic existence. There are literally millions of things you can devote your time towards to to make yourself a better person, and in turn, the world a better place, but you chose the opposite. SAD!

Well let’s talk about this logically then. What are my other options now that Pandora’s box has been open and I have a certain amount of knowledge?

Do I pretend this inequality and exploitation of my people doesn’t exist? Does that make the world a better place?

Dude, I'm not having a discussion about race with some anonymous idiot on a comedy sub. Fucking give it up already. I'm done with you idiots today.

This was all a ruse; I created these threads to flush out these idiots with easy bait like 'white people are subhuman', now I can block them and enjoy the sub for O&A related stuff, which these people don't even understand so can't interfere with.

It's disgusting how many of these morons came here from MDE or alt right political subs, they're determined to turn this place into another immature edgelord politics sub. They post here 24/7, it's embarrassing.

I hope they all fucking die

Didn't even think about the block feature as I've never used it. Going to start today. Thanks.

Realize that it doesn't matter and you can't do anything about it and move on. Screaming like a retard on the internet will do nothing. Either people already agree or they think you're a moron, and it wouldn't matter even if you could change their minds. You are nothing, you're not going to change the world and nothing you accomplish will matter to anyone 2 generations after you're dead.

Imagine being owned this badly you have to slowly abandon your entire kneejerk carepost.

Wasn't owned whatsoever, MDE fag.

Everyone is proving you wrong on the point you made and now you're pretending you're above it all while continuing to angrily argue with people.

I'm not angry, nor am I arguing, MDE fag.

You came in here trying to argue a serious point, multiple people easily showed you were wrong, then you immediately tried to say they were weird for even caring about it. You are the most giant faggot on the planet right now.


The best part of all of this is you retardedly think "believing black people are disproportionately violent" is only a thing this one small fanbase of a dead show does. Like never in your life have you seen a non-MDE fan ever bring this up. You're just letting everyone know you live on Reddit, and in like 3 specific subs.

MDE Derangement Syndrome

Watching the amount of cope votes in this comment thread while you clearly lose your composure is like having a shot of espresso.

Most years a white person doesn’t rape a single white person. Take a guess whether the reciprocal is true.

I highly doubt that the initial inference is true.

That’s the great thing about you- you can change facts by being a big enough bitch. I’m worried that if I check now the stats have changed.

Sounds like you have a “dog in this fight” as Mel would say.

and love their country far more than even your average black person

You're a faggot

I’m pretty sure these people in this picture & people similar to them are have a long history of sexual abuse, especially with children. It’s also a known fact that the redneck hillbilly man is prone to violence over mundane insults, that’s why their humor lacks ball busting, if you innocently joke about someone’s mother it will get you killed in the south.

But that's not true at all, ball busting didn't originate in New York, its explicitly blue collar humor.

Your right it is a blue collar trait but a northern blue collar trait. I didn’t say it was strictly a New York thing & not so long ago New York was very blue collar & still is to some degree at least culturally in many areas. Ballbusting amongst family & friends is much more common in places like New Jersey, Boston, Philly, Chicago & Detroit than southern cities & towns where pride & manners/southern hospitality are instilled at a young age. Southern humor is much more one-dimensional, void of sarcasm & more vanilla, for lack of a better term, than its northern counter parts. We also use sarcasm & ballbusting in a friendly way but a lot southerners assume we’re being mean & take it as an insult or think we are being mean. Say “nice shirt stupid” to your southern friend & he’ll wanna fight you or will never hang out with you again. Look at the history, in the late 60’s & early 70’s comedians were turning comedy into what we think of it today as but in the south Hee-Haw was all the rage. Even today how many southern comedians fit the bill of ballbusting don’t-give-a-fuck types, most of them seem like nice guys with no personal hang ups which is great but just not that funny.

Everybody is a faggot

Nice sitting on the fence, stupid

how is this different than Black Israelites?

I'd love to watch one of these MDE fags go on a first date.

Girl: So, what are you in to?

MDE fag: In my free time, which is pretty much 24 hours a day, I enjoy researching how the white man has been oppressed by the Jew and how lopsided the crime statistics are between whites and blacks.

Girl: So, you're gay?

Omega males

I love the jews. The blacks too. Remember the golden rule, gang :)

Remember the rule from that book the jews wrote that calls themselves the chosen people.

I feel about as connected genetically & culturally to these people in this picture as I do to a squirrel. I know they’re the same species & supposedly the same race as me, although no one related to me looks anything like these inbred people, but I feel like they are completely alien to me in every way & it’s not just their beliefs.

italians are black though

I’ll take it if this picture is what white means.

Skin complexion is kinda like political views, most people don’t like those who are too far right or left, there’s a sweet spot somewhere in between that average people respond to. The same can be said about skin color, no black man wants to be dark African black just as no white people look at someone with such fair skin that turn lobster red when exposed to a little sunshine, but everyone responds positively to the looks of the people in & around the Mediterranean . It’s why theirs a tanning salon is every white neighborhood in America.

I'm not anti-gay at all but your flair actively disgusts me

My flair describes a typical Sunday afternoon in my life. It’s actually the name of a great album.

owned tbh

Cope nigger

If white people are superior, why do they have to repeat it over and over again to convince themselves? Wishful thinking.

White people are pasty and weak and mixed raced babies are scientifically more attractive

Nice gaggle of stupids.

Jews don't turn blacks against whites, they merely organize situations where there are more blacks and native tales its course. No Jews made Mexicans hate Americans and whites, they are capable of that themselves. Jews just encourage them to flood in.

I'm not angry, nor am I arguing, MDE fag.

Omega males

Shut up, fatso.

MDE Derangement Syndrome

I’ll take it if this picture is what white means.

Skin complexion is kinda like political views, most people don’t like those who are too far right or left, there’s a sweet spot somewhere in between that average people respond to. The same can be said about skin color, no black man wants to be dark African black just as no white people look at someone with such fair skin that turn lobster red when exposed to a little sunshine, but everyone responds positively to the looks of the people in & around the Mediterranean . It’s why theirs a tanning salon is every white neighborhood in America.