Wtf? Violating content policy?

1  2019-02-22 by SheddupFaggot


That was without a doubt Joe crying to the admins and calling it doxxing. That unemployed fat fuck is ALWAYS here.

Well we have been generous enough to free up time for hu, and he still has this salty attitude. Im starting to reevaluate my affection for Mr Cumia

He probably has another alt so he can freely talk shit about Anthony

Fuck you, Joe. You reporting piece of useless meat sack. Hope you choke to death on a cock flavored meatball, faggot.

Oh my god Joe. Get off reddit and do something with your life. Like get your daughter to school on time or get a fucking job you bum.

I like that the moderators are on top of things... it will ensure that this place stays open and continually chaps the freshly fucked asses of the Cumia brothers for years to come even after obscurity has done them both in.

Even after obscurity has done them both in??

Because when you have more sharpies than fans at a barnes & noble book signing - you're not in obscurity?

And keep in mind - anyone with a book being sold in that store can pretty much arrange a book signing there. You pay them to hold a signing there.

He probably got terrified at the thought of us mass reporting him to the IRS. That would be a fucking nightmare for that dishonest faggot and his brother.

Nice! They just deleted the thread and didn't ban you. Keep it up mods.