Joe sure got us! He deleted all of his posts.

89  2019-02-22 by RBuddCumia


he's taunting us with that little girl.

Did he delete all of them or did he just lockdown his entire profile history? Regardless, the trolls win again. He had to hide everything he posts in fear of trolls using his words against him.

No effect, sir.

You cant take away his pride.

Look at how proud he is of lil bro at the Barnes & Noble - the night where all of Anthony's beloved fans showed up. A legion, fit for 5 Sharpies.

And he was escorted out like a fucking pedophile ushered out of a courtroom..Or, like he was Anthony Cumia being escorted out of a courtroom.

And Joe spent the entire time screaming outside like a homeless fucking maniac about how his brother is not a racist and not a white supremacist. A proud evening for the Cumia men.

Don't forget his really intimidating line, "I'M ANTHONY'S BROTHER. WHO'S GOT SOMETHING TO SAY?"

Edit: format is wacked cause I’m on phone


That will hold up. Denial is a stinky cologne.

Who could have seen all of this coming from Ghandi Cumia?!

Aha...that’s right. Gandhi fucking Q-Mia. That’s when the pic of cosplay nigger lip Joe and the colored girl holding the “guit” first popped up when he was yet, again trying to hide the outburst of racism (which I obviously don’t give a fuck about, but don’t be a gutless coward and change your faggot name to Ghandi and pull the ‘look at me and a pic of a black girl’ card) he was being called out on at the time. It’s either that one pic or an all out twitter/faggotbook lockdown when he is a cornered rat. About once a month.


"nothing"? A shitload of your posts are archived, stupid. This huge list is only a fraction of them:

b-but those are photoshopped

no those arent on imag-ur

archived the archived links

Yeah Joe once you delete a tweet or Facebook post it is wiped off the face of the earth forever. Real tech guru Joe is

He bragged about paying Geek Squad to reinstall Windows, twice.



I love him

I'm surprised he didn't add "redditards" in there.

Amazing that he chooses a photo from what had to be the most embarrassing night of both his and his brother's lives as his banner photo.

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

You think making sure the caps don't fall off any of the sharpies is a responsibility given to just anyone?

He just wanted to show off his new faggot jacket that Ant bought him.

How does Joe still not comprehend that any reaction from him is entertaining? Oh yeah, hes the dumbest cow-man ever.

Both brothers have an internet mental block. Every time Ant blocked some egg on twitter and wrote them out a nice long goodbye note, he felt like a million bucks because he had convinced himself he was leaving them seething forever and ever. Joe does the same thing for the same reason: desperate denial because he can't think up anything effectual.

They just will never figure it out. Or even come close.

Dawn of the family of the apes

That is a really bad picture of Dawn.


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Embarrassing if true.

W-w-w-what? Hey! Where'd he go? Oh well, guess I gotta go goof on Opie or something now.

He refers to himself as "Guitarzan"??

Of course he does

.......guitarzan... Tarzan did have tits.

Deleted all my posts la la la la

Drinking child spit with the la la la la

Not a pedophile fa la la la

Big apple ranch orgies with the la la la la

Leeching off my brother fa la la la la

Not gainfully employed fa la la la la

No idea how the internet works fa la la la la

Jerked-off to my teen sister fa la la la la

Sold crack to my Mom fa la la la la

Facilitate pedophilia at the Compound fa la la la la

A barely closeted faggot fa la la la la

Bleeding my bother dry to hunt Redditards fa la la la la

You know what they say.

The internet always forgets.

So so so so so so so so so basically what you are saying is Joe cumia and his brother are niggers ok gotcha.

Man. Just ignore the trolling. What in the fuck is all of this that has happened, honestly?! JUST DONT PAY ATTENTION TO TROLLS. It’s literally that simple. None of this should’ve ever gone this far. It’s reddit for crying out loud. Pathetic.

Nice dissertation, stupid

in a relationship

Ya hear that women? This potato peeling elderly man is TAKEN

That ain't him, that's one of us

I only know the fakes because snowflake cumia blocked me on everything

Now we have nothing, just like the 'education' section on every job application Layla will ever fill out.

So, Stage Three?

As Sandusky said at his sentencing, you can’t take away our memories.

he can't delete the archive websites tho

I like the two fingers. The sign of an intelligent ape who just learned how to count.

Joe Cumia 1/2 mongrel 1/2 mongloid.

“Now you have nothing”. Yeah, for the next 48 hours until you crack and start posting again. What a faggot.

Game, Set, Match Redditards!

Do we have anything from his "race realist" period?