Reminder, the MDE fags that post here are a part of this group.

25  2019-02-21 by Virginia_Beach


The irony of the Proud Boys is, they pretend to act like men but live their lives by a child's code.

Real men can name 5 breakfast cereals!

The middle school uniform Fred Perry shirts they all wear are just adorable. And they have the nerve to make fun of those loser Antifa faggots in their gay ass costumes.

How long do you think it takes these two to lick the cum out of Gavin's beard?

An act they call 'venerating the entrepreneur'

Real men wear eyeliner apparently. Burn victim lookin' ass nigga.

Their children will gradually suffer from this embarrassment once their friends start finding it.

you fucking child

Actually Sam is pretty contentious with gavin.

Why does he toast at :17 then fill the cup up again? What an utter faggot

Gotta keep that glass topped up to properly venerate the entrepreneur. I love that terrible song.

When you're with the boys ❤️

Great song. Stop being a fag and like good music.

Shitskins and zionists living in fantasy camp. I haven’t seen very much crossover between proud boys and MDE at all.

They probably think this because they are all chucking kike cock themselves. They think everyone on the other side has an overlord like that too.

You’re an MDE faggot

this is one of the stranger days in this sub in recent memory

Why the fuck is a mod stickying these gay threads about MDE? There's no invasion of MDEfags happening. You just spent too much time in the New tab and subject yourself to that dogshit willingly.

It’s like the whole Russian narrative in politics. A cover up so we can get jewed some more by the real foreign entity in our politics. Kikes.

They're pushing every narrative plus Russian jews move to Israel then get dual American citizenship.

You’re an MDE faggot

It's not sticky. I had to scroll half way down the page. I'm deleting this shit anyway.

Please everyone, spend time in the new tab so you don't miss my stuff

You’re an MDE faggot

Is it the street shitter mod who stickies this shit, the one who deletes "FAGGOT" posts about Democratic politicians, or the one who pretends he's a Jew?

Are they all the same idiot?

He's a tool of a man.

This sub is doomed.

You’re an MDE faggot

yeah it's just the one dude.

I never visited the MDE sub, but even I know that "MDE fags" refer to the Proud Boys as the Proud Goys because they suck so much jewish cock. These lame attempts at character assassination stickied by a massive faggot of a moderator should at least try to be somewhat truthful. Character assassination works much better when there's at least a kernel of truth to it.

You’re an MDE faggot

it really is weird and kinda pathetic to see

Just because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...

Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.

In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.

This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.

You’re an MDE faggot

I like what your doing here, I might have to steal it. If everyone just responded “You’re an MDE faggot” every time an MDE faggot posts something then maybe they’ll go away.

What's even better is, create a new threadt bashing MDE and they come flocking to defend themselves. Once they post in the thread you are given the option to block them under their comment. Call them a faggot, block them and you never have to see or hear from them again.

I got this strategy from /u/RoccoTheLoveMonkey2

Proven successful thus far.

the proud boys and Gavin were constantly, relentlessly mocked on the mde sub. you're punching at ghosts

You’re an MDE faggot

you clearly don't know what you're talking about

I "coined" mde derangement syndrome as kind of a joke but, welp

That’s cool. Take that shit elsewhere. This is a sub based on comedy, not conspiracy

Take a break bro. i read some of these threads and you guys are on the ropes. It's sad.

["What this place needs is humorless circle jerks about race realism and the insidious nature of the jew. If you don't unironically want to bring back slavery, start a holocaust and make homosexuality punishable by death, you're a crypto-liberal who is laundering SJW beliefs by mocking an elderly north African child groomer." (

I "coined" mde derangement syndrome as kind of a joke but jeez

Wow this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I’m confused by what I just watched, is this a parody making fun of the proud boys or is this a proud boys approved anthem? Regardless it’s terrible either way & everyone in the video looks like a complete douche.

What's even better is, create a new threadt bashing MDE and they come flocking to defend themselves. Once they post in the thread you are given the option to block them under their comment. Call them a faggot, block them and you never have to see or hear from them again.

I got this strategy from /u/RoccoTheLoveMonkey2

Proven successful thus far.