I don’t know where to begin.

40  2019-02-21 by RBuddCumia


Women are funny.

The things Jay Mohr would do for love.

Is Jay a homosexual?

And how!

however we don't judge Jay Mohr, God will.

God's official judgment:


That's how you separate btue voracious homosexuals from the rest

The gays are INSATIABLE!

Both men labeled themselves "Mohrriors".

Why would anyone even tweet that? Like is that something that needs to be shared??? Lol

He's the gayer version of SloJoe.

Shaddap cunt

Because the act of merely being a faggot - or a woman, who is a naturally spiritual faggot - is put on a pedestal in today's faggot society, worthless faggots get to say whatever banal idiocy comes to mind, and it is automatically praised by faggot drones. Praising faggotry for its own sake has revealed how utterly contemptible faggots are; they are narcissistic, they think they are funny or profound when they are not, and they think everything they don't like is an attack on faggots.

Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr are nothing but ass munchers, and their "art" is complete shit. Jay Mohr named his son Meredith because he let his retarded ugly wife convinced him to... and it probably didn't take much convincing because he probably backs down on everything, and that's why she left and that's why he cried like a faggot.

I'm moving to Russia. Fuck all of this.

You really like the word faggot. Why not try something else, like Anus Americans?

How about Joe Cumias?

You need a TV show. I could be your properly proportioned Erock

The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

That means you're actually gay, but you're just embarrassed or full of self hate. You be you, boy. Don't be ashamed. It's 2019, society is more accepting. Your username let's is know how you like it anyway. Stay strong, queen!

The ultimate comeback: Haha you’re secretly as ugly and degenerate as we are. Don’t try to hide it!

"The lady doth protest too much" is a thing queers say, which isnt surprising because the whole "you dont like gaya you must secretly be gay" is literally the only comeback fags have.

To be fair most of the gay people I know do quite strongly dislike most other gays

If the shoe fits


Me and Logan Lynn does not run in the same circle.

You clap a fucking 2 year old when it eats, and even then that makes you a complete cunt

Fake and gay.

This is something that if you saw it posted by some random person you'd assume it was a troll. Some dude just making up a way too intricate and gay story to make fun of gays.

Logan Lynn is just some random person but you know what I mean.

Did ya?

Is he referring to himself as a cute gay vegan? Yuck

Eyy, another year! * It's your *1st Cakeday** varamyr6skin! hug

I dunno, sounds totes adorbs to me

'Dispatches From The TeleTubby Planet', excerpt

This is the end of days.

There is an open air slave trade in Libya right now

Yet this is ALL Logan Lynn has been able to think about lately

No you didn't.

his transition from same-dickhead-minor-role-character in a few 90s movies to aggressively proud gay man is a head-scratcher to say the least

Twitter is bad. It's regressing people's ability to have dialogues.

It's mostly weird, off-putting and crafted monologues like this. They try very hard to sound clever or interesting. but there is a lot of canned, trendy phrases they recycle so it's not even original content

It's really narcissistic and ugly.

I cant believe Jay Mohr is fucking this guy

It's a man, who likes men, yet sounds and thinks like a woman? I'm seeing a correlation

Eyy, another year! * It's your *1st Cakeday** varamyr6skin! hug