What kind of “education” did she get?

8  2019-02-21 by ReasonableSafe


He taught her how to make a man cum in under thirty seconds.

Anthony been edging?

He probably holds her head and makes her clamp her teeth into a small cup.

Extracting child spit the same way steve irwin got the venom from snakes.

ah yes, I have inured a vast multitude of the exquisite aptitudes of our tremendously coherent upbringing.

Drop your pants kid and spit in my mouth.

Dad's like Joe really need to learn that acting like that intimidating, tough guy, "I'll kill you if you hurt her" act is just retarded and makes it a challenge for a teenage boy. They're just going to try to fuck her sooner.

Ya if a father was cool n polite i always treated his daughter MUCH better than some asshole who tried to intimidate me lol all they did was make me make her do the nastiest shit i could...enjoy that shit bro joe

What a weird thing to say about your 11 yo daughter. Cumias are the worst, hopefully that child can emancipate herself and change her name soon.

his people have already been emancipated