I really hope that our hatred of Sam Roberts affects him on some deep, painful level. So deep, that he can’t hyena-laugh his way past it.

15  2019-02-21 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Sam should be our primary target. The wwe needs to be made aware of the hatefilled sociopath on their payroll.

once we pester Joe enough to make him delete his Facebook or put him on a big news story or something of that caliber then maybe we can shift focus to Sam. for now Sam isn't a big enough lolcow to milk like Joe is

Lolcow? Your autism is showing.

that is the term yes

I think we should broker a dealwith Joe. If he partake in the Sam hate daily, we leave him be


It’s your birthday fag go out and do something.

Are you kidding? He’s riding high in his shit mind cause he’s took his old bosses gig (cause norton hand picked him from obscurity but in sams mind he worked his way to the top through hard work and talent) and he’s got a gig with wwe (and that’s because we let him at this point cause we could easily bombard wwe’s twitter with heinous pics a la jocktober and say it’s compliments of sam Roberts but we chose to be lazy and don’t for some reason). In his mind he’s the man and fuck the haters

Has anyone ever posted a pic of his wife?