Pete Davidson is in that Motley Crue biopic

6  2019-02-20 by crookedmile


Meh. Let me know if he blows his brains out. There is nothing interesting about someone who was handed everything

As if motley crue wasn't gay enough already.

I read that book in high school. It was damn outrageous.

Now I have to wait a whole month for it

“It could have happened to anyone, but it happened to US...”

Nah, I’m out.

Directed by the Jackass guy, could be good i guess, hard to tell from the trailer.

Ryan Dunn?

Vurry good.. But no, it's the producer Jeff Tremaine, one of the 3 guys who really got rich from Jackass.

He needs some milk

Another fucking gay boomer band.

this looks fucking terrible

They should make a horror movie about Tommy Lee’s swimming pool. It’s killed more children than the clown from “It.”

None of them look remotely like any of the band members except Machine Gun Kelly and I have a deep, personal hatred for him. Also I've been waiting for this movie since high school and it looks like shit.