40:22 - Brother Joe calls in, says nigger, begs for a favor, and BOMBS all within a minute of being on the show.

26  2019-02-20 by comeflywme


Correction: within 20 SECONDS of being on the show. Shit like this had to have embarrassed Anthony.

Nah Ant was still drunk.

Ant often sounded embarrassed when Joe called in. I almost wonder if Opie took the calls just to fuck with Ant, knowing that Joe would bomb and sound like a tard.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend brothaman. 4D chess

"Joe knows a little bit about music."

A little bit being the key phrase.

Haha...stupid fucking asshole got scolded by his little brother on air. The dead silence leading up to “never heard it” that was cosplay nigger lip Joe being butt hurt. He is such a petty fucking retard. Instead of just plugging the lame ass plastic bag sponsored parking lot gig he tries and fails (with car crash) to get Ant to mention it which, Ant doesn’t.

There’s a section in the Colin vs Jimmy YouTube vid that sounds like Joe calling in and he bombs spectacularly and they just hang up. No one ever mentions if it’s joe though.

I listened to a 2007 R&F show recently and he called in and pretended to want to contribute to the topic before unsubtly mentioning that he did a parody song on the subject if they'd like to play it. There's absolutely nothing worse for radio than a Brother Joe call.

God that was cringey. Is there anything he wont stoop to?

Or anyone?

He was the worst caller in the history of the show, just stopped everything in its tracks and added absolutely nothing. That stuttering, halting speech pattern of his made him doubly infuriating. Mush mouthed ass.